Is this an okay size for a 14 year old girl?

I'm 5'4 and weigh 55kg. I really want to lose some fat because my thighs are 20 inches and my hips are 35inces. Is this quite big for a 14 year old? And also can you give me some tips I could use to help me lose weight during the school time?

How to Lose Weight With a Six Week Program

Recommended Answer:

Hi freoughmore!Don't worry about your weight too much but there is some things you can do. Firstly remember to drink lots of water (average around 8 cups daily). Have a glass before every meal to stop overeating.You must eat lots of protein- meat such as chicken and other sources of protein is from beans such as lentils and also eat nuts. Also take a multivitamin with dinner. Eat fresh salads and vegetables with dinner and as snacks. Celery is a great snack as it has next to no calories and includes vitamins. (Note that you should avoid cheese, sugary cereals and bread-especially white)For exercise you should aim to do 60-100 sit ups daily, don't do too much as your muscles need time to heal. This is a great way of burning belly fat and tones the muscle. If you have a stationary bike use it for 30 minutes daily (doesn't have to be vigorous) this loses fat from thighs and legs also gives them nice definition. If you don't have a bike go jogging or running for 30 minutes daily because it has the same effect! If you do this you should be able to lose a few pounds quickly. Good luck!!

Other Answers:

  • You're 14, you shouldn't be worrying about your weight. Just make sure you eat lots of fruit and veg, drink lots of water, don't eat too much rubbish and do exercise :)
  • I'm the same height as you and although I weigh a little less, you're at a very healthy weight for your size. If you still want to lose weight, do a lot of cardio! It burns fat everywhere and worked well for me. I lost weight easily when I cut out sodas and junk food (which wasnt easy at all) and started working out.


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