How Does Losing Weight Affect Health?
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Sugar and carbs are stored as fat if not used for white sugar and the junky carbs especially. Fruits and veg keep you lean and won't store as fat if you remain within your caloric range of could eat a ton and be slender. So...unless you are working out 2-3 hours a day, then yeah you could eat more junky carbs...but it's sugar/ carbs is what is one of the main contributors to weight gain, then you have the bad fats. Watch the good fats too, too much of them will put on weight like nuts, olive oil, omega's. Stick with lean proteins and the veggies and fruits are the good carbs and limited good fats...even though fruit has sugar it's a different kind(forget exact name) but you could eat all the fruit and veg you want. Stick with brown rice, plain old fashioned oatmeal, and whole grains preferably spelt bread...whole wheat isn't as great as people say it is. And as for's not as low fat and healthy as people think. It's all sugar. In addition, processed food just makes you hungrier...there are many studies on that. Junk food,etc. You will fell fuller eating healthier foods...most contain fiber which fills you up. So yeah I think a diet consisting of 2000 calories of healthy foods would maintain your weight...or won't make you as hungry. Eating 2000 calories of junk, as I said...will turn to fat so you'd probably gain if you don't burn it by exercising...and if it's a lot of junk, you'd have to exercise a lot. If your body isn't getting the proper nutrition it needs, you are going to be hungrier.Other Answers:
- good question. i often wonder this myself. I don't think it matters. People are just so into diets these days.
- Certain calories will be burned off more efficiently.
- Not sure. I just eat whatever but in smaller portions through out the day so I don't get hungry. Goes together well with my cardio lol
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