Can somebody help me with weightloss tips?

HI, I am a 16 year old girl and I really wanna lose weight. I am around 255 pounds and standing at 5'8/2. I've tried to on numerous events to lose weight attempting dieting and i just gained the weight back. I've tried exercise and dieting together recently which worked to an extent until i noticed that my upper body was becoming larger than my lower body. This was because the exercises i was doing was a video (turbo fire) which requires a lot of leg work. I figured that was the result of my of my upper body being larger than my lower. Which I dislike SO much so then I immediately stopped doing the workout videos. So after attempting something i was dedicated a lot to, back fired on me by not showing the results i wanted. So now I don't really know what to do i haven't been working out for the past few months because I don't want my top to look bigger than my bottom, i want the complete opposite! I want a hour glass shape which i know i can achieve with the body i have. I have hips and a small waste, i guess. I'm at 50% body weight which i know is beyond ridiculous and i really want to change this. i am completely unsatisfied with my body and I know i wont be happy with my life until i am happy with my body. I would kinda say I'm on a pursuit to happiness and i feel like i would achieve that with weight loss. Which my prom next year i want to ensure I look good and my body to be way skinner. I also would not get a boyfriend because of how unsatisfied with my body I am. Also at my age it is very hard because all your friends are having boyfriends and sex around you and it hurts to feel excluded by their experiences. But I will surly wait until i lose weight and comfortable with my body. Please share some ideas/weightloss tips! Thanks!

How to Manage to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

It's all about diet and exercise. And by diet I don't mean eat less. I mean you have to change what you're eating to healthier foods. When you're thirsty drink water instead of soda or milk. Don't eat fast food. Eat lean meats and few carbs for big meals. When you want a snack in the middle of the day just to put something in your stomach make a salad or eat some carrots.

Other Answers:

  • Eat healthy drink lots of water and get exercise.(try to get exercise 30 minutes a day)
  • It's all about counting calories and HARDCORE exercise. Losing weight is easy, it's keeping it off that everyone messes up on. It's all about discipline. I used to weigh a little more than you, and I'm a little shorter, but now I'm at 18% body fat and I'm still working on it, and I owe it ALL to join my wrestling team at my school, they got the weight off fast! And they taught me its not about what you eat, but how much! That doesn't mean undereat either, because that will make you gain weir too. Figure out your RDI and go from there.
  • Now a days most of the persons faced a problem with gain weight, If you have faced same problem then one thing should be considered, I think you should to get effective diet and exercise plan. without it you should not get result which you needed.
  • You're focused too much on the details for your own good. I'd say take it one session, one routine at a time and see where these lead you. You're still 16 so metabolism and drive are on your side; you can take discount bodybuilding supplements online if you want to get more out of your workout program. A word of caution, though; make sure your program is closely monitored by a personal trainer to ensure safety. You can check the homepage on the source link below, consider varieties that help you lose weight and build muscle mass th healthy way.


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