Can I lose weight by doing this?

recently my friend started drinking an iced coffe in the morning, eat nothing during the day and then a small healthy dinner like spicy chicken or vegtables. She got really skinny by doing this, so I was wondering if it would actually be an effective method for weight loss combined with exercise?

How to Lose Weight Properly

Recommended Answer:

To lose weight you need to expend more calories than you take in. The more you exercise, the more you can eat and still lose weight but you have to get enough nutrition to be healthy. Yes you can lose weight just doing that but you should really have at least 1000 calories per day to remain healthy...

Other Answers:

  • Any trainer will tell you "what works for you might not always work for someone else" or vice versa. This means, you're better off not doing something risky like that, and just do something "the right way". Try by cutting down on your portions of food; drink lots of water; make sure you add calcium (but not over abundant) calcium is good for obvious reasons, aside from its use in preventing kidney stones.
  • It's not healthy and your most lately will gain it back when you start eating normally. My friend did this and she only gained about 5 kilos from 20kgs but again she didn't start eating straight away what she wanted after the weight loss. She just ate each week More than the week before :-)
  • As what i have seen before from books. Coffee is an appetite suppressant but correct me if im wrong... Does she use diy iced coffee or bought in grocery stores?
  • visit my website http://nsthor.organogold.comTry the healthy coffee


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