How to Have the Determination to Lose Weight
Recommended Answer:
Eat more protein. And weight training should help too. Protein shakes are an easy way to get extra protein.Other Answers:
- Go to this site gives you the tools you need to gain or lose weight. It will take your age, weight, height and activity level and tell you how much of what foods you need to achieve the weight you desire. But basically, you need to increase your calories and your lean protein like chicken and fish. Eat well, lots of fruits and veggies and dairy in addition to protein, also eat a balanced amount of carbs such as bread, rice, potatoes etc. Go to the site and just do what they say, you will have results. I lost 65 lbs in 3 months using this site, you can surely gain a few using it too!
- eat things with plenty of protein. Why do you WANT to be bigger?
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