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As said above, it is genetic. Your body is programed to grow only to a certain height and at a certain rate. In my family, one brother was 19 before he reached his full height, another reached his at 15. You don't need a lot of milk, one glass or two a day is fine..........but you can also consume yogurt, cheese or eat green vegetables. If your weakness is due to poor muscle mass, get busy. Start exercising. As for defenseless, enroll in martial arts classes and learn how to use your size to your advantage. It is better to appear defenseless and be able to defend yourself, that to look mean and menacing and have people challenge you but no skills beyond your appearance.Other Answers:
- Drink skim milk... And eat lots of vegetables... You won't get fat...
- Dont feel so self cautious about your hight. Many people (mostly girls) are short due to family genetics. Look at my mom for example she's about 4'2 and im 5'11 why because of genetics. You cant just can't do something crazy like stretch out until you grow jaja.But you should stop worrying about what you can't control and just focus on what you could control. If god made you one way its for a purpose :). Listen...your beautiful just the way you are and you shouldn't change. Even though i don't know you i know your a good person.
- Your height is genetic. Outside of stretching your body as some native cultures do, you will not grow any taller than your genes allow. As far as feeling weak and helpless, there are many things you can do! Take a self defense or martial arts class. If money is tight, there are plenty of resources on the internet, available for free. Another way to help boost your self confidence is to join your local College. That's what I did and I have managed to meet quite a few kind people as well as some who don't "look" nice, but are very kind hearted. Everyone has some sort of insecurities...It's all a matter of how we deal with them.
- Consider doing pull-ups on a daily basis
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