How long to lose weight?

I am 5ft 1in 154lbs and have access to a treadmill 3 times a week, what speed should I use it at and for how long to burn a lot of weight? And what fruit & vegtables should I be eating along side with my balanced diet to help? And of course I drink 2 glasses before every meal so i don't eat a lot. I am trying you lose a bit of belly fat within about a week quickly.. Thanks

How to Lose Weight by Walking Fast

Recommended Answer:

You lose calories based on distance. If you run 1 mile youll burn the same amount of calories as if you walked 1 mile. Walking takes longer however. So depending on how much time you have and how fast you can run figure out whats the fastest you can run for however much time you have. Say you have 1 hour. Go as fast as you can for that 1 hour which may be a slow walk.

Other Answers:

  • I'm anorexic so I hope anything I might say might not be my disorder talking but. firstly I lost 15 pounds in 2 months. which is insane. what I did was I cut out ALL junk food or unhealthy stuff. Drink little to no milk, because milk will just make your hormones act up. plus while you're doing this your skin will clear up. Also no cheese. make you get around 800 calories, I usually eat that amount, and nothing more then 1000 or less then 500. Also drink 10 glasses of water a day. AND!! For great weight loss, ALWAYS drink 2 cold glasses of water before EVERY meal. it will burn calories. taking freezing cold showers will burn fat since your body is using all that fat to warm you up 10 minutes of cold shower 100 calories burn 15 minutes 250 30 minute 399! Hmm.. never eat after 6. BUT if you wanna be healthier have 5 SMALL meals literally if you put your 2 fist together you should eat that amount each meal. But each meal should only be 100-250 calories. Now that we got all the healthy eating. we need to work out. Do 100-200 crunches everyday (not at once but in total) 100 squats 100 push-up will burn 1000 calories. Run every morning for 2 miles/km or however many you can. Run 4km every afternoon. and sprinting for 60 minutes a day will burn more calories you will burn a week of jogging.drinking green tea will help a lot!Source(s):I guarantee you will lose 10 pounds. I lost 3 pounds in 2 days lolDo not eat Milk products cheese pizza .. none of that! No sodas or sugary drinks nothing kicky or sugary no chocolate bars or candy. Do NOT eat a lot of white bread. no oily stuff like Fried eggs, or chicken or friesEat FRUITS! only fruits and veggies and boiled eggs is fine :)
  • Most diets and weight-loss products are complete garbage.Why? They aren't proven by any medical research, their guides and steps are confusing, unclear, or even wrong and they often skip important parts. No wonder losing weight seems so hard!The doctor researching and discovering the quickest and easiest way to lose weigth. And after 10+ years of medical research in weight-loss, they have finally found a Breakthrough that will help you lose unwanted weight, without going to the gym or sacrificing your favorite foods.see is very interesting


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