Does a growth spurt help you lose fat and weight?

I'm about 5'2, and a 15 year old guy. I run Varsity Track and workout 5 to 6 times a week. For some reason I just cannot lose weight. I've changed my diet and lose more calories than I intake daily. But I just can't seem to lose it. Will my growth spurt help me on the journey to losing weight? My friend was overweight but over the summer he grew a few inches and now he is really skinny. I thought maybe he worked out more than me, but I've ran most of the summer, played basketball almost everyday, and ate more veggies and fruit. So will a growth spurt help me to lose weight?

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Think about what you're asking. You're asking if you can grow and lose weight. Growth means increasing your volume and that means increasing your weight. Growth means adding more of everything from muscle to organ tissue to bone...etc. However, it does not mean adding more fat. So, it is possible to grow in height and body materials without adding fat thereby creating a slimmer look. It can, however, also mean adding more body fat such that the result is the opposite of looking slimmer. It's all up to your DNA...your genome. If you don't like the result, read on.We are all 99% nature (genetics) and 1% nurture (changeable). Here is what we can do to sculpt our bodies.1. Add fat - Adding fat for all but the extreme ectomorph is a simple matter of eating too many calories over a long period of time. We have no control over where the fat will be deposited on our body.2. Lose fat - Fat loss must begin with diet. Exercise can help but no exercise can make someone lose fat if they eat too many calories. We have no control over where the fat leaves our body.3. Add muscle - Adding muscle size requires a commitment to very hard strength training (anaerobics). We don't get big muscles from aerobic ("cardio") exercise. It only comes very slowly from working out against substantial resistance.4. Lose muscle - There is no healthy way to lose natural (genetic) muscle. We can, however, allow our muscles to atrophy or grow smaller by not using them. We can also "waste" muscle by starving them of nutrition. These, of course, are not a healthy options but they are the only way to make lean muscle smaller (less volume).That's it. That's all we can do without surgery. Good luck and good health!!♠PS: Here are some good websites you may find useful.• BEST SEARCH ENGINE• A MUST FOR DIETERS• BEST DIET TOOL ON THE WEB• BEST FOODS FOR YOU• NUTRITION DOT GOV


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