How to Get a Chihuahua to Lose Weight
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Hi Jessica I know 290 pounds is overweight but you can certainly achieve weight loss especially at your age.There's no quick solution or magic for weight loss. What's more important than a diet plan is your eating habits. For example drink a cup of water before each meal, and eat slowly.I've seen my friends whom were over 200 pounds lost significant weight with jogging alone. You can consider that.You can have the best diet and workout plan but what's more important is your mindset. Losing weight is not only a mission but it's a ongoing process. Many people fail and struggle without motivation and the right mindset.I always recommend weight loss hypnosis for a reason - it works for me.All the best in your weight loss journey!Other Answers:
- Honestly thats not bad, but if u really want to loose weight kee urself active and drink lots of water pick an activity thats u love doin and that will keep u active i was very chuby till i was 18 and all i did was go to the beach, skate, and play b balllike i said it doesnt have to be a workout just something that keeps u active so u wont think of it as exercise
- If you have the time to walk 1 hour every evening, that's a great start! Eventually you can walk faster, and over time you may choose to run or jog for part o the time.The most important thing is to over hall your diet. Don't eat junk-food like chips or candy as a regular thing. These are supposed to be occasional treats, or not to be consumed at all. Eat as many vegetables & fruits as possible and drink more water than you usually do. Avoid soda-pop and juice at all costs.If after three months of these behaviors you do not see improvement, see your doctor. You may have a thyroid issue that can be treated with medication.Good luck!!
- you should try eating a balanced diet also try to exercise yourself when you get to chance.there is a great product that has actually worked well for me and i have been able to lose 10 lbs in 4 weeks and am still losing weight and looking much healthier, i suggest you take a look ....
- Here is an excellent page that offers all kinds of great tips and ideas for getting in shape, losing weigh and keeping it off. It's a real life story and very inspiring and motivating.You'll find nutrition advice, the importance of drinking water and so much more.It talks about how even all of our daily activities add up to exercise. The page is titled for women over a certain age, however, you'll find some great useful tips that you can start using and applying today.It's a fairly long extensive read - worth reading every word, complete with videos and other exercise tips.
- eat less carbs,do aerobicsswimmingweight trainingjoggingskipping
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