Losing fat............?

I weigh 125 lbs, I'm 5 3", and I only have 10 pounds left to lose. I start school in 3 weeks, is there any way to lose a little bit of fat around my stomach and arms by then? By the way, I already exercise and eat right, so I just mean specific exercises and tips.Thank You:)

How to Lose Weight by Eating Flaxseed

Recommended Answer:

For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise. Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help as in items 22 and 106 in http://www.rheumatic.org/sugar.htm The natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening. Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods and most vegetables as well and that helps for weight loss.

Other Answers:

  • Do you still drink pop if so i would stop that and stop any fast food stick to all natural stuff
  • Cardio exercises like running! Because you move your whole body. Try to run at a normal speed for 10 minutes and then sprint for 30 seconds and walk for 4 minutes, just repeat that for 30 to 60 minutes. And move your arms too!Jumping jacks are great too! You can do them in the morning! Biking,swimming,dancing... So many ways to burn calories which can lead to weight loss.Play sports! Play a round of basketball with some friends!Join a gym!Anything Is good as long as you're moving your whole body ;)


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