Why do so many teenage girls think skinny equals beautiful?

I don't understand why so many girls nowadays think that losing weight will make them prettier or a better person. Since when does emaciated equal beautiful? In what world will losing five pounds make people like you more? I don't get it! I've seen many unattractive girls that were super-skinny and many gorgeous girls that weren't. If you're skinny, good for you. If you have natural curves, that's just as fine.It just makes me so sad to see girls hating themselves for eating or striving to have a runway model's body. That's not even what boys find attractive (for the girls that do care what boys think about their bodies), it's just what some models get paid to look like. You don't NEED to be as thin as a Gucci model for example, there's no reason for it. That's not your job, and probably not a possible body type to achieve. It's not like losing weight will make you look a whole lot better- except if you're overweight, then losing weight (in a healthy way) is good for you. But girls that are already waaaay underweight starving themselves because they still don't feel "good enough" just make me sad. Why??? Why hurt yourselves? :( Go to the gym and eat healthily or something if you're really not happy with your weight, but I feel so bad for girls who get eating disorders :( It's not fair! Everybody should be happy with the body shape they were given and keep it as healthy and fit as possible. Not every body can have a thigh gap for example.. and collar bones that jut out can look creepy, and why do girls think it's pretty when you can see their ribs?I just don't get it! Obsessing about losing a lot of weight unhealthily won't make you prettier, it will just damage your body and mess with your mind. I've never thought that being skinny automatically means you're beautiful. Since when does being really thin make you a better person? It doesn't. It's just the way your body looks, but people won't judge you even if you don't look like a high fashion runway model - nobody does, you're more likely to be judged if you look unhealthily thin. You will still be as accepted and loved as really thin people if you don't look like a supermodel.Please explain this obsession to me, I've never wanted to be super-skinny, I think I look way better with a little meat on my bones. If anything, I'd want to GAIN weight so I have nicer curves. Being skinny really isn't that great or fascinating in my opinion, it means NOTHING. In my book, being a good friend and a helpful and loving person define whether you're beautiful or not - never your weight. I want girls to stop hurting themselves because they think they're "fat", when in reality, they're not at all, not even near fat. They think normal skin on their legs is "disgusting". A friend of mine died of an eating disorder, I want this to stop, I'm scared :(

How to Lose Weight With Bikram Yoga

Recommended Answer:

It's because models, actresses, singers and even mannequins are really skinny. And teenage guys and young men tend to go for skinny girls because they think that's who they should be dating according to society. So curvier girls tend to feel bad about themselves because they think they don't add up to what society says they should be.

Other Answers:

  • Because of TV, ads, media, etc.
  • Yeah that's how I feel, I mean I see more people getting out of the crazy skinny spasms they have. Some girls look in the mirror and honestly think they look fat, so they just want to keep losing weight when in reality they don't realize how skinny they really are. I think curves are beautiful and I don't think thigh gaps are cute at all! I'm with you girl, you could make a group that supports curves? Haha I don't know, but I'm with you
  • the media, it's a tragedy but I have hips and I am not complaining I like them more than being a stick! :D >:)
  • Honestly, there isn't much you can do about it. Just take care of your body. Good for you for loving and taking care of yourself. I feel the same way. I don't understand how looking like you just came of a concentration camp makes you beautiful or a better person or better liked. Women are supposed to have curves, its what makes us beautiful and feminine and sets us apart from men. Honestly, I think most of those girls are just manipulative and insecure and wanting attention. I'm so sorry about your friend that died. Good for you having the right attitude and outlook. Keep it up.
  • Because from the day your born, your influenced what men like, what should make you feel better about yourself. Your friends want it, you want it. Your made to feel unimportant if your not slim,wearing makeup, designer clothes so yeah it's society
  • tbh im a teen and once i was seriously obsessed with being skinny because people and media said this was in and the models i saw had thigh gaps , but one day my cousin came back and i really looked up to her and she was skinny she had her curves and her dress would fit perfectly and it really made me realize skinny doesnt mean your beautiful it sometimes meeans your very sick becauses you have staved yourself ive learnt to embrace my curves and i try to help girls like me because i know how being insecure is. this is my story
  • Im naturally really skinny and i dont feel extra pretty or anything lol. Im 5'8 and 103 pounds. And i could care less if people find that 'gross' im not going to hate myself for my body type.
  • well 1st off, there's nothing wrong with being skinny if you're naturally that way. I'm naturally thin, that doesn't make me any less attractive than a woman who is "thick". I can't help being this size, and I love being this size. and I have a nice little size booty. thin woman have curves too. as long as you're taking care of yourself, and eating properly, it shouldn't matter if you're thin or "thick". but yea, the reason girls are literally dying to be thin is because of what they see in the media and in magazines. most models are very beautiful, so they want to try to become that by any means necessary.
  • Who lost a beautiful dress
  • No. Skinny isn't the "thing". Now its about curves.by curves I mean Kim Kardashian,Nicki Minaj,Mariah Carey.Skinny stopped a long time ago! Now everyone wants a SKINNY WAIST. But bigger boobs and butt. Thats what guys really want


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