So this is me right now, about 164 pounds, 33 inch waist, about 17-18 BF% My goal is to by the end of august at least be "skinny" or "slim" The following is my 6 week meal plan and routines.The question is, will I burn muscle doing it, and with this routine do you think I drop like 5% BF and become slim by the end of august, again my pic is up there if you need it.*Following is the latest 6 week schedule. All while drinking only water, and on a caloric defecit of a high protein diet. Meal 1: High Protein Cereal With MilkMeal 2: 2 Eggs, mixed with 2 pieces of Cheese and HamMeal 3: Meat with assorted veggies.Snack: Yogurt, Fruit, CheeseDay One:Morning WalkCardio X + Full Body Circuit Training40 Minute HIITAb Ripper XP90X Muscle WorkoutDay Two:Morning Walk Jogging + 40 Minute HIITP90x Core + Core Circuit WorkoutPlyometrics + Light Cardio CircuitDay Three:Morning WalkCardio X + Full Body Circuit Training40 Minute HIITAb Ripper X P90X Muscle WorkoutDay Four:Rest DayWalk, Hike, Light SportsStretch Light JogDay Five:Morning Walk Cardio X + Full Body Circuit Training40 Minute HIITAb Ripper X P90X Muscle WorkoutDay Six:Morning Walk Jogging + 40 Minute HIITP90x Core + Core Circuit WorkoutPlyometrics/Kenpo X + Light Cardio CircuitDay Seven: RestLighter Circuit Training40 Minute HIIT
How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off
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When wanting to lose FAT, that happens in the KITCHEN, as opposed to during the workouts. Although you want to keep the workouts so you are left with a toned and firm body as opposed to just a smaller one.The problems I see with your nutritional plan is mainly the calorie deficit. You will ABSOLUTELY burn muscle if you go down too much in calories. This is not good! not to mention you are having WAY too much dairy, which is counter productive to your goals. I would recommend a good carb cycling plan for you, if you stick to it, it burns fat like crazy, without making you feel tired or lethargic like most low carb diets do.I am not going to type out a meal plan for you here, but if you google "carb cycling for fat loss" there are tons of good solid plans out there, find the one that you are the most comfortable with and start it.Remember, though, that the key to success is being consistent! To lose fat that quickly you have to commit yourself to your plan, NO cheating until you reach your goal!Good Luck :)
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