How to Lose Weight in the Face in a Week
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If I could afford it, I'd be doing something to get "off the grid" and find a way to generate my own power and various things. I'm really afraid of our government now and the "big brother" mentality that seems to be heading our way, not that it is not here already.I heard on the news yesterday that if you purchased a car after a certain date that it was already equipped with a black box that would be recording things you do while behind the wheel. It is your property and you paid for it and yet this information could be used against you and you have no say. What kind of government is this anyway? How often are you being spied on?It is no longer by the people, for the people. It is control the people by an over-reaching government who has gone way too far.I hear cable TV companies have equipped your TV equipment to monitor things in your home. If they observe things like people disagreeing, ads for family counseling will appear. If they think you and your significant other are making love, ads for contraceptives and also romantic vacations start appearing. If they monitor that you are trying to lose weight, ads for weight loss programs and dietary food are right there on your TV. Can't "get it up"? Viagra ads for you, my friend! Do we really approve of this unwanted intrusion in our lives? If I find out this is happening in my own home, I would rather go without TV to be honest.Do we want our government to control our power use? If I turn my AC up a little higher, should they really be able to stop me at a certain point that they deem appropriate for the average home? What if the heat and humidity make me ill? They don't care, they want to control my life. In the winter, when it is really cold and I can't seem to get warm, they will be monitoring my thermostat and I will not be allowed to be as warm as I would like. What if I have to seek counseling for mental illness? Will the government control everything I do afterwords? Will I not be allowed to renew my driver's license? Will I be turned away from jobs as my records can be accessed? We already know that if I seek mental health care that I will probably never be allowed to own a gun, yet the treatment I might receive could be very temporary and it would not affect my ability to know right from wrong. I almost sought mental health counseling after my mom and dad died, only 4 months apart, as it was a sad and depressing time in my life. I got through it, but if I had sought that care, would my concealed carry permit be taken from me and my firearm confiscated?Will I be forced to only sell my home to a certain racial group as they think my neighborhood needs balance, even when I have a buyer all set up who will pay and allow me to leave?Will I be forced to make energy saving improvements to my home before I can sell it, even if I cannot afford it? That is part of cap and trade, by the way. Imagine a senior citizen who wants to retire to a smaller home and on a very small budget, and think about them having to install energy saving windows before selling. Is that fair?This is all happening and I really hope and pray that Americans see through all of this and start electing people who stand for freedom, before it is too late.The even more scary part of this is that I really think there are people in this country who (brain washed?) think these things should be happening here and want this loss of control and freedom. It is terrible to even think that, but I guess those people are out there.This is no longer land of the "free" we are not free and if you think you are, you are kidding yourself.Other Answers:
- I did not vote for Obama.
- I NEVER WILL VOTE 4 U BAMA! Plz dont kill my answer :(
- I live in the great northwest, we rarely need air conditioningsucks to be you
- Um, yes, since nobody's taking away my air conditioning. I'm guessing you live in an area that's hot, and you're having rolling brownouts? Or your energy company is asking/demanding that you not use your AC during certain hours?
- All of those things have existed before and would have continued regardless of who became POTUS.
- I vote for him to be impeached.
- Ok first of all if Mitt Romney would have won we would be in the same position. Why didnt Mitt Romney speak out against the NDAA bill that was signed? Get off of Obamas back hes doing a great job! I will always vote for him!
- Social planning, the State is planning our life for us as it goes along. Everything is an agenda based on an idealism.
- And Romney would have done things different how?Both sides suck in remarkably similar ways this time.
- They have it all yet to do, and as the past indicates, the best plans of the social engineers usually turn out to bite them in the @ss. Those who take the bait usually get it the worst.Adapt and rise above the bullshit.
- No, I don't care and I'd even give up my 100 gig of texting on my free Ob Smart phone.Well, maybe give up 50 gig.
- They'll have to pry my air conditioner from my delightfully cold dead hands! NYers are suffering through an interminable heatwave and we're VERY cranky...Btw, I would rather stick pins in my eyes than vote for that fool!
- It's ok because I never do anything wrong. I'm not going to surf porn on my computer, I will never run for public office and I would never criticize the current regime.Obama is wrecking the country and his paranoia makes Nixon look stable, ask Petraeus. Oh, I forgot that he got paid off for his trouble, $200k cushy job at CUNY. I mean what is a little tapping of e-mail between friends?
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