What are the odds if I loose enough weight that I will have sagging skin?

I'm 19 years old. Almost 20. I'm 5'4 I weighed 206. But I have recently started counting my calories and going the gym 5 days a week. Right now I am at a weight of 196. I didn't think about it till a few days ago but how do I know if my skin will bounce back? Is there something I can do to make it bounce back with the weight loss?

How to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

Recommended Answer:

Technically your skin never goes back. People just build muscle under the skin so that it doesn't look saggy and nasty. The way to add more elasticity to your skin to make it more appealing and not nasty is to moisturize every day. I personally use aquafena for the moisturizing because u only have to use a small amount and it works amazingly. Also keep working out on your abs, arms, and thighs. Those areas get the worst saggy skin. If you do that your skin will still be there. (As in if you pull ur skin out there will show a lot of excess skin) but even though its there it won't look like it is. Kinda like an optical allusion. Oh! And last but not least make sure u drink A LOT of water. It helps in losing weight and since skin is an organ it helps it stay hydrated and improves elasticity too. Good luck!

Other Answers:

  • Don't lose weight drastically because then your skin could sag, just make sure you are still eating enough ( not stupid small amounts ) and do good shaping exercise.Goodluck!
  • Prob bc you'r you'r young, it wont sag.


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