Is it possible for a dog to lose weight without exercising him?

Our Shorkie, has gained a few unhealthy pounds in the last couple of years and we are trying desperaely to get the weight off due to his genetic "collapsible trachea issue". He has all of the symptoms but his trach isn't actually "collapsed" per say, but it is in distress due to his honking cough, his inability to run and play anymore without coughing and gagging, etc. We've been feeding him what the vet said which is a diet type of dry food mixed with diet wet but to me he isn't losing pounds they way he use to when he was younger. He is small in height like a yorkie but has the bulk of a Shitzu. He isn't all tiny and stuff like a regulart yorkie. (the man has some muscles in his little body!!!). His weight is right at 10lbs at last weigh a week ago, then he weighed 9.5 about 4 days ago but hasn't lost any since then and he is practically starving to death but due to his condition, we MUST get this weight off of him. Any suggestions? p.s. there is hardly any way to get him active without exacerbating his condition so we were told not to walk him far at all, not to let him chase his baby too much, etc., so therefore, he hardly gets any exercise. I just don't know???Could anyone please explain to me what the first answer means that I received from someone calling themselves "extramer". Is idk, "I Don't Know"? Well, if you don't know, why bother answering? If idk doesn't stand for that, could someone please clue me in to what in the world that means. PLEASE don't waste my time. I am looking for help, not junk mail. Is this person doing this for points or what? Someone BESIDES this person, please let me in on this...... Thanks alot.We are certain that Aidan doesn't have any heart or any other issues with his lil bod! He gets excellent veterinarian care, takes heartworm medicine every month and has his entire life, get his Advantix II tx each month and visits his vet 3 -5 times a year and his vet is in Georgia but we live in Florida. We make that trip to Georgia because the Vet there has helped Aidan above and beyond the call of duty and has ALWAYS been there for him in any emergency situation, even if he wasn't on call. He met us at his office on a wknd to perform surgery on our baby's eye and let us help because his staff was off of course. Certainly, we have a vet close by our home for major emergencies but we make the 366 mile trip to Eastman, GA. to see Dr. James Rahn because he has taken the best care of Aidan. I know Aidan doesn't have any underlying causes for his problems with his trachea except for the fact that he was born with it, as most dogs are like him. (part yorkie, part shit

How to Be Lazy and Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

There are lots of idiots out there answering with ridiculous remarks. Ignore them and yes, idk stands for I don't know.Try taking 1/3 of the food away and replacing it with frozen green beans. In getting my winter lazy dogs ready for spring agility matches, my friends and I do this to rid the lazies from the extra weight.The dogs love the green beans and the weight floats off.Have you had your dog tested for Hypothyroidism? That could be part of the reason the dog is gaining weight.

Other Answers:

  • Feed him less. Cut down by a small amount each day.
  • Loosing a 1/2 lb. in a week is VERY good. Besides that, you don't want him to loose weight so quickly. Taking it off slowly is much better. You also mentioned that he hasn't lost any weight in 4 days. IT'S ONLY BEEN 4 DAYS! Besides that you could have weighed him after he ate or drank and hadn't eliminated yet! I would cut the wet food out altogether and feed him less of the dry food. Yes, he can loose weight without very much exercise.I just wanted to mention something else about his coughing and gagging, if I may. You stated that his trachea wasn't actually collapsed. Are you SURE this dog doesn't have a heart condition? (or even heartworms) Coughing and gagging are symptoms of both, including Congestive Heart Failure.Add: You should probably have his Thyroid checked too.
  • Dogs lose fat by way of calorie reduction. That means you need to feed less, much less food and strictly food with no treats or human scraps. You should be able to see results in the dog in a week, if you do it right. Once the dog has lost some weight, you can start exercising it in your yard or even in the house.
  • Some people on here tend to be rude so just ignore that comment! But yes it is possible but it takes dedication and a longer time to see improvement! Monitor his food intake, and absolutely NO TREATS WHATSOEVER! A little bit of light play a day is also beneficial. Make sure that your dogs daily caloric intake is met but not overdone and your guy will be losing weight in no time! I hope this helps! And good luck
  • Overall, I agree with Julie. I would get him checked for heart worms as well as run a blood panel, including a CBC and CMP to ensure that his levels are doing what they are supposed to and this is not an infection or heart/lung condition. I also agree that the amount of weight that he is loosing is actually a great success. Just like humans, if you loose weight too quickly you put unnecessary chemical stress on the body which can be more detrimental than anything. Another idea to continue the weight loss is to feed him a few times a day instead of once or twice. It is usually recommended to feed a dog once or twice a day, however in this case, it may help to feed him more frequently (same amount of food just spread out). On a basic level, your metabolic system tells your body what to do with the food it is given, ie store it or use it. If you go long periods without eating, your body begins to think that it is in "survival mode" and stores everything it can. So if you eat less more frequently, you can boost your metabolism and release the extra fat that is held. For example, if you are now feeding him a cup of food a day, half a cup morning and night, try feeding him a quarter of a cup four times a day. Hope this helps!
  • Yes. My vet told me to feed my dog 1-2 cans of green beans a day and that should help. And put a limit on the treats. Put just a few treats in a bowl and that is how many he/she should get a day. :) hope this helped! -Zita


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