I want to be able to look in the mirror without seeing ugly.?

Everyone I'm close to says that I'm the perfect weight. 'Long legs', 'nice thighs', 'wide, but flat belly/ waist area' and 'slim arms and fingers'. But somehow I always know that no matter what they say, I'm not what I want to be. I feel like all I ever do is eat and eat and no matter how much/little I do eat I feel so guilty. I exercise for 30-40 minutes daily and I NEVER SEEM TO LOSE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!Is there anything else I can do to lose all this disgusting body fat?

How to Lose Weight Quickly for Women Over 40

Recommended Answer:

When you look in the mirror, say, I look great, fat or thin and it's amazing. Instead of denigrating yourself. You might be a more harsh critic than anyone else. If you want to lose weight, exercise and eat less. Use nicer terms when describing yourself. Be objective in order to improve.

Other Answers:

  • it doesnt sound like you have fat that needs to be lost, maybe that you should just work on toning up a bit?
  • What you need to do is stop looking in mirrors. Cover them up, throw them away. Get a hobby that doesn't involve naval-gazing.
  • Taking the mirror down might help


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