What should I try to feed my dog if he hasn't been eating enough lately?

My dog is about 7 years old and is a maltese. For the past few months when we feed him Eukanuba dog food every morning at around 7:30am he doesn't eat right away. Sometimes he doesn't eat it until 2:00pm. I am concerned his eating habits are unhealthy and leave him missing some important nutrients. What can I try to feed him that he will eat and that will help fill his diet?

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Recommended Answer:

Try getting your dog on a good schedule. Place his food down in the AM for 10 minutes and then take it away, even if he hasn't eaten any. Dont offer it again until evening and do the same thing. He will get the picture pretty fast that it's time to eat when the food is offered.Take him to the vet for a wellness exam to make sure there are no problems with his digestion. Good Luck!add: I forgot about the nutrition part. Someone already recommended dogfoodadvisor, which is a great site. Try finding a grain free food that has plenty of protein. Dogs don't get much nutrition from corn, rice or other filler content. Go look at Eukanuba on that site and scroll down to read about the ingredients. Taste of the Wild or Canidae grain free are some of the lower priced foods that are just as good in quality as other premium food. If money is no object, feed Orijen. I feed my dogs Taste of the Wild, check it out on that site, it has an excellent review.

Other Answers:

  • Check out this site to see which are the best dog foods:http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/Then get the best you can afford. If you switch his brand of food, do it gradually over a week's time, every day adding a little bit more of the new and subtracting an equal portion of the old until it's all new. A sudden switch can give him an upset tummy and diarrhea.Leave food down for him and keep him in a bathroom or laundry with food, water, toys and a bed.
  • If the dog is train to let you know it had to go out or puppy pad train I'd just leave the food out our little dog don't eat but a couple bites of dog food. Also he's getting old so I could be something wrong he probably needs to be checked by the vet.
  • boiled chicken and rice. add some sweet potato.


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