How to Help Lose Weight Fast On A Cheap Budget
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Honestly, I think you have LOTS of potential to be pretty. I'm an African american girl myself.PLEASE lose weight the healthy way! I suggest zumba! It's fun to dance to work out, even if you're doing it wrong you lose a LOT of weight.Be prepared to take in LOTS of information my friend, I love fashion.I think you'd look really good as a girly girl. Try wearing dresses, skirts, light colored pants, heels. You will definitely stand out. You will get head turns, stares, compliments, etc. IF YOU DO IT RIGHT.I dressed skater, some may even say emo, (preppys would say this), but once I stared changing my appearance and dressing girlier, I started to get A LOT of attention, also I was starting to blossom into my womanly self I guess... well looking older. I'm not an adult yet so...But yeah, dressing girlier, you may get more attention from older guys, rather guys your age. Dressing girly does NOT mean all pink everything. To me it's just looking feminine, like a WOMAN, which rarely girls ever seem to do today, they all wanna wear the same brand stuff. I was guilty of it for a bit.To dress girly, you also don't need a lot of money. You can even go to nice thirft stores to find cute stuff, or forever21. I'll leave a list of stores later...Also throw out ALL of your sweat pants. Try switching them out for cute, comfortable clothes. For me a dress is easy to throw on, its an outfit by itself, with some heels. Or if you don't like those wear flats, even converse! But if you don't like dresses, try pants made with a cotton material and a cute, off the shoulder shirt.Okay now I'm going to give you a link to some youtube clothing tutorials. is another less pink-looking, and more girly/sophisticated. now for your face...I think you would look nice with just regular tinted moisturizer, or a light weight foundation. It is SO HARD for african american girls to find foundation.Go to either walgreens (for cheaper makeup) or macys, sephora, or other department store (for more pricey makeup) They should BOTH HAVE BEAUTY REPS TO HELP YOU FIND THE RIGHT TYPE OF MAKEUP! Just ask for help in the beauty department. I know some targets have beauty reps too. I don't think walmart does. Tell them to help you pick the right makeup and shade and shadow colours,etc. Tell them you need all of the face foundation basics.Get/keep your eye brows blucked, threaded, waxed, etc. Its pretty cheap at some places. Tell them to just clean up your eye brows and keep your NATURAL SHAPE.For makeup for school, Id keep it simple. I think you'd look good in gold, geen, navy blue, shadows. Also pink lipstick and maybe the daring red, everyonce once in a while. Light bronzer would look really good on your complexion and blushes.Here are some black beauty gurus that can help, better than I can: far as your hair, I think you should either get longer braids, or lose them all together. I think you should straighten your hair, or maybe get clip in extentions (Try sallys) Those black beauty gurus should have some tips on hair. Or a weave!I think you'd look GREAT with this hair style: far as attitude. Be nice to everyone. Ignore mean comments, don't talk about people behind their back because it could get back to them and start a fight. Only say things that'd you say to someones face.As far as confidence. I have none. So here's a guide: I heard if you fake confidence, you will soon have it. Maybe act like someone on TV or in a book who has confidence I guess?Walking with confidence, walk naturally, also you could walk to a song in your head, that doesn't work for all. Keep you head up, shoulders back, stomach in, look pleasant. Don't think about how you walk and act too much, so it doesn't look unnaturally.Also try not to care what people say and think. Love yourself, and don't lose who you truely are.Other Answers:
- If you want makeup, try doing just mascara as a starter. its relatively easy, and its quick! if you want more makep, try a light green eyesahdow, but DO NoT cake it on. it should be like, hardly visible. if you cake it on, you look well, dumb. Also, you are beatiful. dont put your stock in what other people say about you or what artificial standards hollywood snobs decide are "trendy". Be who you are, and if you dont know anymore, its usually how you act around your family (unless you have a dysfunctional family, like bad illegal kind, not mom makes me do chores so i yrll at her kind) High school is a brand new things and it presents a great oppurtunity to make new friends. Dont bring yourself doen, because before you know it, you turn to Baaaad stuff to make you "feel" better. As for the bf thing, i am 18 and have never had a boyfriends , and im not ugly or anything. i weigh 130 as well. its not a big deal. just have fun, experiement with makeup, hair clothes, whatever. (well, not whatever, whatever.
- okay i seriously think that makeup on you would look aaaamazing. look up tons of makeup tutorials and figure out how to put makeup on and do it. you will learn by trying and get good at it and learn to mix colors. i think that you just need something to stand out. maybe try an outgoing style or a few accessories that are unique. people will notice you once you show that you are confident in yourself. to be confident, yes feeling pretty is a huge part of it. makeup and maybe try some nice new hairstyles. clothing wise, anything from forever 21 is perfect. and i mean anything. dont overdo it tho. ive seen girls in highschool with blue eyeshadow and red lipstick and a tight dress and heels ad they look stupid. keep it casual but still pretty and nice. dont do bright eyeshadow colors be confident and it will automatically make you more attractive to others
- Try wearing contacts if you don't want or can't, try wearing mascara and or eyeliner to make your eyes pop more. Try using baby lips Maybeline it's a lipstick or gloss but more of a tinted lip balm. Try using a little bit of bb cream. Try also doing other styles with your hair. You can try straightening your hair, putting it in a bun, leave it curly. Headbands, headwraps, and bows are your best friend. Everyone has those I don't care sweat pant days, but you can look effortless and cute at the same time. You can wear sweatpants and put your hair in a bun, to give that lazy but cute look. Forever 21, Charollette Russe, Wet Seal, Loveculture, H&M are all stores that have fashionable clothing items for a low price. Try changing up your style. Confidence is something you can fake. Stand straight, smile, and just stay true to who you are. I used to envy my friends for being so outgoing and pretty. but really just try not caring of people think and you'll find yourself being outgoing and soon enough your friends will envy your carelessness. Good luck.
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