How to Lose the Flab After Losing Weight
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There are a variety of spices that you can use to make you hair grow faster. Some of them are: Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Garlic, and Turmeric. Here is website with more information: based off of my own personal experience, getting your hair cut every month or every two months does NOT make your hair grow faster. I would recommend getting it cut every 5 or 6 months, but BE SURE TO KEEP YOU HAIR IN SHAPE. This prevents split ends. If you get lots of split ends, you'll HAVE to get it cut for it to grow. This is what I do to keep my hair in shape:You'll want to invest in a good shampoo and conditioner. I use a daily hair leave-in treatment every time I shower, which moisturizes my hair and prevents split ends. You usually have to keep it on for 3-5 minutes. The shampoo I use is called Biotera, it's relatively inexpensive, around $6.50. Also, Whenever I use heat on my hair, I make sure to use a good heat protectant and I try to avoid using any kind of hair product that is not natural because the chemicals can cause split ends. I would definitely recommend Moroccan Argan Oil, it's natural and it makes my hair really smooth. Any kind of natural oil is good, especially if you want to get rid of frizz. But please, stay away from all of the harsh chemicals.Be sure to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and drink plenty of water. A vitamin you can take to help keep your hair healthy is called Biotin. You can get it at Walmart pretty inexpensively. I hope I helped! :)Other Answers:
- Because if your ends have alot of split ends and are brittle , they tend to break off & your hair won't seem to grow that fast because it keeps breaking off. Coconut oil is good for your ends & promote hair growth
- ive been using mane n tails shampoo and it has been helping my hair grow a bunch...i didnt think it was gonna work so now im hooked on it...i hope i helped in some way =)
- a balanced diet is the way to start. i know you may not want to hear this but your body needs nutrients. i learned to make hair grow faster you have to be able to keep whatever hair you have on your head ! prevent shedding and provide the best medium for hair to grow. you can try products like My Hair Rx which is proven to speed up hair growth. its like hair on steroids. but it stops the shedding to and also promotes hair growth. check them out on wiki how and check out the reviews. also stop messing with your hair! that means brushing it a million times per day. and finally keep yourself hydrated
- Massage your scalp every day with a good herbal hair oil like Mira hair oil, just 10 minutes massage a day will help you grow your hair fast like weeds
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