@BECKY...I TAKE IT YOU MEAN obsessed lmfao. If you are going to be insulting at least learn to spell. Lmfao.
Hi thanks for the answer. If it''s a condition then what condition is it? What do I need to ask my doctor to cure me off and if you know that then why am I doing what I am doing?
Pssst! The Secret to Losing Weight
Recommended Answer:
You have an eating disorder, and what you are doing is very, very unhealthy. You are damaging your heart, your intestines, and the effects will last long after you stop your behavior. I suggest you seek help from a specialist immediately, as what you are doing is dangerous and can only get worse. I have seen two family members have their lives ruined by eating disorders, and I hate the thought of anyone else going through that. Get help, please.
LIVERPOOLS: You shouldn''t be lmfao''ing at anyone right now, you should be taking this seriously. Many women end up with heart disease from behaviors like this, you should focus on the people trying to help you, not people like Becky.
It is called a binge eating disorder, and is a bit harder to treat because it is so multifaceted. Treatment will include cognitive therapy addressing self-image, eating behaviors, and just trying to get to the root of why you do what you do. This is a reflection of things going on inside of you, some of which has nothing to do with weight...it''s about control, or being depressed, or feeling powerless. There are people to help; if you have insurance, look up mental health professionals in your network, and find one that deals with eating disorders. Even if you aren''t insured, there are doctors that can help. Do a search to find what doctors are in your area. When you describe your behavior, a specialist will know exactly what to diagnose you with and will begin treatment. This will be the best thing you''ve ever done for yourself, so good luck. :)
- Your obbsesed
- Your body is preparing itself for starvation mode
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