How to lose weight....?

without exercising or dieting? plz dont say that i should do that. cuz i wont.

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast - Get the Top Weight Loss Tips

Recommended Answer:
coke. lots and lots of coke.

  • youre lazy and obviosly dont care to lose weight if you wont sacrifice to pursue a "goal"
  • Let''s see... You want to lose weight without doing anything? Fat chance (get it?)
  • How about start with a 2 weeks detox to clear up your system from any toxin. Then start to plan your meal, you don''t need to starve yourself with diet , just cut down some of the unhealthy food (no processed sugar) and carb. Eat more protein and fiber. It will be more effective with some light exercise. Good Luck !
  • Here are a few ideas that will help a lot.

    1. Have your biggest meal be for breakfast, then you won''t hardly be hungry the rest of the day and you''ll use up all your calories. Big dinner before bed means fat on your body.
    2. Chew your food really thoroughly, 30 x per bite if you can. You will get full on a lot less and stay full a lot longer.
    3. Go to bed early, it helps you to have a better metabolism for fighting the fat.
    4. Have soup before every meal. It helps you get full on a lot less calories - mostly water.
    5. Be happy, resolve conflicts and issues - your body won''t hold onto fat as much.

    Sorry, I mentioned food but this isn''t really a diet it''s just good habits to implement.


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