How to lose weight without diet?

I want to lose weight but I don''t want to diet (I usually don''t eat much anyway for meals but i do eat junkfood occasionally in which i will cut down on)
I am planning to run 30mins--1 hr a day (idk if i am able to jog that long but i''ll see)
I am also going to do situps in my freetime(not sure how much)
Anyway the question is are there any other good exercises without equipment?
How much weight would u think i''ll lose with this method in a week? In a month?
Also is there any way to lose face fat or just to lose weight overall?

Losing Weight Fast - The Side Effects of Losing Weight Fast

Recommended Answer:
Ok no offence but you probably won''t loose any weight, you have to be dedicated and yes that means cutting down on all the junk food and excersize for 1 hour a day. Speeding up your motavolism is a great way to burn off fat easier, and you can speed up your motabilism by drinking 3 cups of green tea (no caffeine) daily, vitimin b complex, and eat 5 small healthy snacks daily instead of 3 big meals. Only doing those 3 things will get you nowhere honey. Excersize for an hour daily (gym membership), cut out ALL the junk food, 3 cups of green tea (no caffeine) daily, vitimin b complex daily, 5 small healthy snacks (8:00am bowl of oatmeal, 11:00 banana, 3:00 mini salad, 6:00 piece of chicken and serving of veggies, 9:00 handful of nuts) and lots of water! hope I helped !:)

  • You will lose face fat with cardio, but the running/jogging takes 2-4 weeks before it starts showing up. You can get a full workout with just running/jogging 30/1hr and doing pushups and situps daily. Just start running as long as you can (if you haven''t been exercising no way you''re going to make it 30 minutes but don''t get discouraged. Jog as long as you can then walk the rest of it out, slowly add more jogging even if you have to jog, then walk a bit, then jog some more, just don''t stop until you reach your daily time limit goal.
  • gonba have to diet lol cabt avoid it

    flex ur face muscles for face loss fat


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