How can I become healthy?

I''ve been eating a lot of junk lately and I''m putting on weight... I don''t wanna carry on like this. I want to lose the weight and be healthy. I have had a lot of problems lately which contributed to me bingeing on junk. For breakfast I have pecan and maple cereal or crumpets with a lot of butter. Really not a good start to the day. I know porridge is better in the morning so I''ve been having that for a few days. For lunch I just have a sandwich or something else. Mostly something unhealthy like Chinese food or McDonald''s. I work evenings so I don''t have dinner, I end up having chocolate, bakery stuff, microwave meals, etc which is really bad for me. I really need to change my ways, but I don''t know what exactly makes a very healthy lunch or dinner.

Can you give me some suggestions on what I can have that is good for me? I don''t want to eat junk anymore, I want to be healthy but I just don''t know what to eat. Please help?

Why Don''t I Lose Weight?

Recommended Answer:
Well if you want to be healthy diet isn''t the only thing you should be concerned about. Health is mental, physical and social.

But for the sake of your question let''s focus on the Physical. First off it seems like you''re not eating any vegetables or fruits. So that''s where you should start. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet. If anything you should be eating more vegetables and fruits than anything else in your diet.

Add more protein and healthy fats to your diet. These help nourish your body and keep you going strong all day long, not to mention that they keep you full and prevent you from overeating.

Stay away from sugar and processed foods. That means no more take-out chinese, no more mcdonalds, no more sweetened cereals or chocolate. For your carbohydrates stick to veggies, fruits, and whole-grain.

Lastly, drink a lot of water. stay away from drinks with calories and sugar.

And that''s really all you need to do. good luck.


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