Working out, but waist is getting bigger?

I''m in decent shape as far as overall, but my stomach has never been the same since having my 2 kids. And at the gym I do a 30 minute workout on the elliptical (working up to 45), then strength training with the machines, not free weights, then do abs at the end. And after doing this and my diet staying the same, it seems my waist has actually gotten bigger! I can understand changing my diet to see even more results, but the fact that I went from not working out to working out and it seems I''m gaining fat/weight, doesn''t make sense to me. I know you gain muscle and so sometimes you can gain weight for that reason, but my stomach seems bigger and hangs over my jeans more. My jeans have never been this tight and I just don''t understand why. Also if anyone knows of any fairly easy, but effective ab exercises to help me, I would greatly appreciate any help there as well. Thanks in advance. :)

Tips for Losing Weight Fast - Burn the Fat or Eat the Muscle?

Recommended Answer:
Possibility 1: You are building up your abs but not losing fat at your waist. That would make your stomach increase in size.

Possibility 2: You are pushing your body into starvation mode and it''s refusing to give up the fat. It may even break down muscles to provide energy for your workouts but while it''s in starvation mode it''s storing as much fat as possible.

Possibility 3: You may be eating more than you were before. As you increase your exercise your body will start demanding more food. If you give it too much food, you aren''t having a calorie deficit and you won''t lose weight.

You should really look into your calories in (diet), just as much as your calories out (exercise). If you''re going to lose weight those need to be in sync with each other. I found that was great at helping me get started with figuring out how much I needed to eat. I was an under eater and I was on starvation mode. Since getting my eating and exercising in sync (1 month) I''ve lost 12.8 lbs and 8.5 inches (2 of which were from my waist). People tell me they can see the difference in my body already.

If you want to be successful you have to exercise AND EAT RIGHT for your body''s needs.

  • All you got to do is if you really want to lose weight, well simply drink 12-15 glasses of water each day. DO NOT DRINK CARBONATED DRINKS, COFFEE, TEA and JUICES. Always eat fruits and vegetables. Do not eat spicy, salty, sweet and fatty food. Try these for 3 months.
    I lose weight from 75 kilos to 62 kilos in 3 months. I am now on my 7th year and 4 months and maintaining my weight from 53 kilos to 54 kilos. But be sure to do at least, 20 sit ups per morning to make your muscles firm.
    Have a nice day and GOD BLESS!!!!!
  • Stop going to the gym and workout to Z and follow her nutrition tips.
    She had over a million youtube subscribers when she was a trainer for bodyrock! Her bodyrock exercises can be found on second source below.


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