Please someone help me out ?

I have let myself go in the past, health wise and stuff, but I have recently started exercising and eating healthy, and no matter what I eat or how hard i work out and for how long I am not losing any body fat at all. My thighs touch when I am standing, and my stomach is way flabby.My body fat condition is causing it so I am depressed. I need some good thigh fat and belly fat workouts that actually work fast. Even diet suggestions. And I have noticed that I find myself thinking that I feel gross after eating even just a salad and I want to puke it up. I have never done it, i have learned about the bad effects of it and stuff but can just thinking it be an onset of the eating disorder? Sorry if this questions doesn''t make a lot of sense..

Is It Possible To Lose Weight Fast?

Recommended Answer:
You don''t lose fat with exercise. You lose it with proper eating habits.

Any exercise will burn calories but no exercise will burn fat unless your diet allows it. You can burn fat in your sleep or you can run all day and never burn any fat. It all depends on your diet.

Fat loss is determined by calorie control, not by exercise. Good exercises for burning calories are speed walking, biking, swimming, dancing, etc. and ANY other physical activity which makes you move a lot of weight for a long time. But NO exercise is good for burning fat if you eat too many calories because you can always eat more calories than you can burn but you can''t always burn as many as you take in.

Too many people waste energy and time because they do not understand this one simple point. The result is too often giving up in frustration, abandoning gym memberships they continue to pay for, and many other unnecessary problems not the least of which is a lack of success.

An average person must walk about five miles every day for a week to burn the calories equivalent to a pound of body fat. So, unless you think walking about five miles a day (or doing an equivalent amount of exercise) with no guarantee of fat loss makes sense, focus your fat loss program on diet.

Diet for fat loss. Exercise for fitness.

When you are in a fat loss mode and burning body fat, it is your body (based on your genetics) and only your body that determines where that fat loss will happen. You have absolutely no control over where your body loses fat first, last, and in between no matter what you do.

It is not possible to lose fat only from a specific part of your body of your choosing. Where your body stores and removes fat is determined by your genetics and there is nothing you can do to change that short of radical procedures such as liposuction. And, in general, where it stores fat first is where it will lose it last and visa versa. The world of health and fitness has an unfortunate abundance of myths and spot reduction is one of them. There is no exercise, no pill, no supplements, no spa treatment, and no natural way to spot reduce. Your only choice is to create a caloric deficit with diet and exercise, burn fat, and wait for it to leave the desired body parts.

Now, read my answer about how to lose fat -->;_ylt=As615QJM4X_3ID9_05qmmlXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111028185603AAVcP4D

Good luck and good health!!

PS: Here are some good websites you may find useful.

  • 25 min minimum of cardio a day, if possible move it up to 40 min, even just walking, you can move up to a faster pace as you move on. When doing exercises like sit-ups, squats or pushups, you want to do several reps of a few at a time, it''s better than doing a bunch at one time, helps build your endurance as well. Living Fuel is a great supplement to add to your diet, and the protein as well, even my toddler takes it daily, I took it for 5 yrs before I was pregnant and was told I had no need for any pills or supplements during my pregnancy, needless to say my doctor was shocked. If you enjoy pasta, look for brands at Walmart that are wheat and gluten free and made from veggies (it''s what my mother uses). Replace junk food with apples, grapes, or crackers with peanut butter, almond butter or sunflower butter. Replace all bread with sourdough bread (it''s the best for you). Instead of eating raw veggies, steam them slightly til they are blanched, their much easier to digest.
  • I totally understand how you feel. Don''t worry there''s a solution. Im doing a program right now. You need to know that you should train a lot . Maybe you aren''t just eating right things and workouts. I''ve lost 10 pounds in the last 2 mouths because of this:

    Swimming 3 times a week ( an hour each time.)
    Squat (50 ) each day
    Jumping rope 20 minutes/ everyday


    Drink only water= 2 l / day
    Smalls portions
    Alot of vegetables
    I don''t really have a diet but
    I always eat smalls portions and avoid every thing fat

    Always workout at night after your last meal
    Or even in the morning if you can.
    Dont skip meals

    I do it because I''m a tri-athlon program .
    You don''t have to stress with how you look.
    I know it sounds clichey but the important is what''s inside.

    Hope it helps


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