HELP! IM DESPERATE!! How do I lose 60 in 2 1/2 months?? I''m tired of being fat, please help me! :''(?

I''m a 16 year old female and I''m 5''1... I weigh 189.2 pounds. I know 60 pounds in 2 1/2 months is a lot but I don''t care. I don''t want to do it the "healthy" way. I''m going on a trip in June to Utah to see friends I haven''t seen in almost 2 years. We''ll be hiking and swimming and camping and I want to be able to keep up. I am sooo tired of being fat! It''s so miserable being fat. I''m depressed because of it, and I cry every night. I seriously can''t stand it. I tried a diet the other day and I only lasted three days. I''m weak and I''m ashamed of it. I seriously think my body is actually addicted to junk food. I don''t eat fast food that much, maybe once a month. I hardly drink any soda but I over eat. PLEASE help! I need to lose this weight, it''s made me have bad grades in school since I don''t want to go out and actually log on my hours (I go to an online school, and do it at the library).... I don''t care if its unhealthy, I just don''t care anymore. I just want this over with, please help me. I''m seriously desperate! Thank you :)

(P.s. I can''t afford to go to the gym, my family is broke. I can buy workout DVD''s though)

Is Going To a Diet and Weight Loss Clinic the Perfect Solution to Losing Weight?

Recommended Answer:
It''s not the healthiest choice long-term, but if you want to lose a lot quickly, Atkins is really effective. If you can really commit and stay under 15 carbs a day, the weight will fly off. Eat only meat, eggs, and some cheese. It''s pretty hard to get started on, but after a few days it gets easier. If you do any kind of workout it will help you to be more lean and toned as you lose the weight, and will also help you to keep it off after you lose the weight and begin eating carbs again. YouTube can show you some exercises for free, and fitness websites (like Spark People) can help with support. I don''t know how feasible 60 lbs in 2.5 months is, but you can definitely get a really good start in that time and start to feel better about yourself, good luck :)

  • okay, im not a professional, but ive helped a 283 pound friend gown down to about 150, my best advice is, chew your food thoroughly, as it helps your body not work to hard, drink lotsa water, and sweat! if you wanna have a firm bum just run! how i lost my weight was running, chewing my mcdoubles right, not eating frenchfries, drinking water, and limiting how much i eat, not what i eat ;)

    good luck!
  • No need to go to the gym; you can always search for good training and weight management videos over the net for info. Start eating healthy and keep an active lifestyle so you can burn down calories and fats the easy and more enjoyable way (through sports and related fun-filled physical activities). You can also search for fat burners and weight loss supplements, as well as workout supplements like Xtend ( for maximum results and more optimized effectiveness of your workouts. Good luck on achieving your fitness goals!
  • have three times a day pretty light meals... if possible just veg salad...and lots of water.

    Go for walks,, not joggs ( u wont be able to due to dieting )
  • you can never lose that amount in that time, you are setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. you should of done something about it sooner. sensible weight loss is 2lb per week.
  • Amputate limbs.


Orchid said...

I have the best product that can help you lose 5 pounds in a week. It's organic detox tea. Message me at if you would like to be my customer. It does work. I've lost weight. Went from 170 to 160

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