is hot water with lime help lose weight?

I exercise and diet but I am not losing weight at all....I was thinking if lime water and honey can help me out

Holiday Weight Loss Tips - How to Lose Weight During the Holiday Season

Recommended Answer:
There is something called the "Master Cleanse" (Lemonade diet). ...I did this a few years ago and lost 10 lbs in about 10 days. ...many doctors are against this, saying that it loses muscle tissue as opposed to fat, but I felt very good after the 10 days, so i can only comment by my own experience.

The Daily Recipe:

7 1/2 cups purified filtered water (not tap)
3/4 cups grade B pure organic maple syrup (not the fake pancake maple syrup)
3/4 cups fresh squeezed juice of (preferably) organic lemons
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

The above will provide a concoction you can drink throughout the day and it actually tastes really good (the cayenne gives it a nice little kick). food whatsoever is allowed during these days of cleansing. may, however, drink plain decaf herbal tea or laxative tea at night. Also, if you want to flush your body further, you can drink a quart of warm filtered water with 2 tsp of organic sea salt (not iodized) in the morning and at night...this salt/water mixture will cause diarrhea within about 1.5 hrs and the taste is disgusting (I just plugged my nose and guzzled it), but I figure if I'm going to do the job, I may as well do it right the first time... ...and it paid off, it was great losing 10 lbs in such a short amount of time.

When I did this cleanse, the first 4 days were grueling, then after that it became easy for me and I felt like i could go on forever (but I believe the max for this cleanse is recommend for 11 to 14 days). ...if you have health problems (like diabetes), disregard this entire answer.


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