Harvard Research Reveals Ultimate Weight Loss Benefits - 10 Steps to Lose Weight Forever!
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Yoga would be a great choice for you. Theres nothing perverted about helping your yoga partner and nobody in the class would look at your like you''re a pervert unless you act like one...
I live in a liberal area where men are comfortable doing yoga so you see a lot of them in classes. They''re not viewed as gay or girly or perverted. They''re just there to do yoga like the women there are!
Yoga will give you flexibility, balance and coordination like other exercises will not. It will help you get in better shape and help you mentally besides just physically. A lot of tough professional athlete men do it these days! Even Tony Horton dedicated a workout to yoga in yoga x on p90x.
If you feel so uncomfortable starting in a class, you can get the workout program The Ultimate Yogi from Travis Eliot. Its like the p90x of yoga. You can do it in your living room or anywhere you have space in your house or apartment. Its fine if you''re not in shape. This and powerwalking everyday will get you in great shape if you keep a clean diet. You will lose weight like this.
You can also look into Rodney Yee Power Yoga. He has dvds for beginners. Also try pilates! Winsor pilates has some of the best and she has a pilates weight loss program now.
People who say you can''t lose weight with yoga or get into shape don''t know anything about yoga or fitness.
- If you are trying to lose weight, gain weight or stay fit, I don''t think Yoga does any of that. How about biking, hiking, swimming, bowling, archery, tennis, badminton...
Join a gym; the trained staff knows which equipment you should use and for how long to get the look you are trying to achieve.
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