How can I schedule my days?

Hello. I am 21 years old and only 5''0 tall. I am not sure of my weight but last time I checked (which was sometime last year, I was between 86 - 91 lbs. I''ve been living a very unhealthy life. I usually sleep between the hours of 1 AM - 4 AM or even later than that but never after 8 AM no matter if I am going to school or not. I also have classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting at 8 AM - 9 AM and another class at 10 AM to 11 AM. I prefer to do my homework at night because during the day, many things distract me (like other people being awake, the t.v. being on, music being played, etc.) so I usually go to sleep when I get home after classes, wake up around the hours of 4 PM - 6 PM, eat and watch t.v. (I am a really slow eater and it''s so bad that I actually hate eating most of the time) for an hour or so. It is usually between the hours of 7 PM - 9 PM when I am finish eating and finished cleaning the table. After this, I use the laptop, having free time for a while then doing my homework. When I am done with my homework, around the hours of 12 AM - 2 AM, (or before 1 AM if I have classes soon) I just lay in bed using my cell phone. This is almost literally my schedule every single day. I want to add exercise to my schedule because I''ve been told that exercise helps build muscle and would help me gain weight and also boost my appetite. The only form of exercise I do is walking and riding the bike. I''d prefer not to go to the gym only because I don''t have anyone to go with. Also, what foods should I eat to be healthy and gain weight? Most of the food here in the house, I don''t like so I end up looking for food but never find anything I want to eat. What should I do about my life?

Special Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:
The first step is that you know you''re being unhealthy. I would recommend cutting out your nap and using that time to exercise instead. Then, turn off your cell phone at midnight and go to sleep then. You''re not going to be missing anything important at that hour anyway. If you can sleep from 12am-7am, that''s a start in the right direction. Getting enough sleep is important for so many reasons and little naps throughout the day aren''t as good for you as one long night''s sleep. You''ll feel better during the day and have more energy.

A good way to gain weight is to eat food high in healthy fats such as nuts, peanuts, seeds, peanut butter, almond butter, avocados, hummus, and oils, which are great sources of healthy fats loaded with nutrients and calories.

Don''t eat anything that is low cal or fat free or light. Eat full fat everything. Try comfort foods like mashed potatoes with butter or macaroni and cheese. Drink high-calorie juices instead of water and choose high-calorie condiments such as mayonnaise, ranch, thousand island, and Caesar salad dressings. Dried fruits are a concentrated source of calories that can be tossed on salads, yogurts, cereals, desserts, and trail mixes -- or eaten alone.

Eat more frequently and that will help you get hungrier more often too. Exercise will definitely help you work up an appetite. Just like it''s not easy to lose weight, it''s not that easy to gain it either for those who are underweight like yourself. It may take time to work your way into this new schedule, but I bet you will feel a lot better overall. Good luck!


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