Walking to Lose Weight - Fitness Tips For Any Season
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It is okay to have a some fat (you really do need to have some fat on your body in order to be healthy). The weight increase is probably due to muscle increase (muscle weighs more than fat). Remember to stay away from sugary beverages (they add too many extra calories into your diet). Since it seems that you are being healthy, my best advice is to be happy with yourself. And remember the saying "meat is for the man, bones are for the boys" because men really do like some meat on their women and they do not like to hug a women that goes "crunch". Good night.
- diet and do more exercise!
- Eat healthy(kale is very good), try a new sport, don't go to the gym and lift weights.
- The problem could probably be with the food that you are eating and the intervals (meaning the duration of time between each meal) that you are eating in. If you are eating fatty foods (rich in saturated, trans fats) throughout the day its not going to help even if you lived at the gym. The fastest and easiest way to lose weight is to combine healthy food with going to the gym. You don't necessarily have to go on a diet, just the word itself usually stops people from wanting to lose weight. Just eat better more nutrient dense food. (Instead of a donut and coffee for breakfast, with very high sugar and calories, try omelets, a bowl of fruit, and a glass of orange juice, not that many calories and very nutritious and really not that bad to eat) Just make small adjustments in your diet and I'm positive you'll see results instantly.
- Gym is good but , instead go for swimming !!
daily1hour morning and 1 hour in evening swim gives you a faster results !! - Take the stairs.
Park way in the back of the parking lot and take the extra walk.
Avoid fatty foods.
Set goals. - Gym helps but it does not work well if you are not maintaining a good diet.
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