Help need to lose weight??!?!?!?!?

I'm 15 5,11 and 175. I'm usually always busy so I don't really have time to exercise except before bed but is that good? I need to know quick easy ways to slim down before summer! I live in Michigan so its hard to go outside and run or anything because its cold... I don't know what I should do. Please help!!!!

Foods to Lose Weight Healthily

Recommanded Answer:
Oh.. Another weight worry ah? Well don't threat! It's pretty easy to loose weight unless your addicted to junk food. Just hold on tight and you'll get through it!

1.) Every night before bed do 5 push ups and jog in place for like 3 minutes, (Every night because it is very little exercise) Do that for about 6 weeks.
2.) Do not over do exercise, believe it or not too much exercise a day can make you gain weight! Also it is bad for your heart. You're heart gets to pumped, don't act like your on steroids.
3.)Eat right. I'm not saying never drink a soda, eat chocolate, or just kick back and watch a movie with popcorn! I'm saying like don't over do it. Here's something you can do! Get a notebook, write down 'week one' Choose either a soda, candy, or popcorn, or whatever! Only about once a week. Control yourself.
4.) When your at school and it is recess time, jog around the field twice a day. Then just enjoy yourself!
5.) Don't forget about chores/work. Don't get so worried, caught up in exercise that you forget about schoolwork! School is school, and school is were you learn! Do math, science, just do good!
6.) Take classes, Like karate, etc.
7.) Do not starve yourself or try to purposely throw up. I'm going to be honest, it does very much make you loose weight! But do not do it. It becomes a addiction and soon you will get to the point when you either die, or get serious injury. It's called being anorexic, you can easily die from that. Super models do it, and they end up dying after awhile. So please do not do it.
8.) Remember you're true beauty. You may not believe me or anyone that tells you this. But you may be ugly on the outside, but everyone even murderers. Have beauty some what within them. But since you are a young girl who is seeking help you are smart, and beautiful. And don't worry! 175 pounds? Not fat, you should refer to, 'Thick'. Fat is about 200 pounds. And even them are beautiful.

Good luck (x.. Happy summer! and get a new swimmy suit C:.
If you really put all your effort and do what I told you will lose weight. You could get down to like 90 pounds! (Probably 100 or so) But yea.! :P



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