Can one meal destroy the whole day? Does the fat loss process even work that way.?

High carb for a single meal vs high carb for the whole day. Can 1 meal throw off the whole day?

Top Five Tips to Lose Weight

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Fat is added onto your body when you eat fat. Simple carbs can turn to fat only if you exceed your calories for the day. Complex carbs have fiber which carries out the fat.

You can gain a pound of fat by eating foods high in fat daily. The foods highest in fat are butter, cheese, oil, avocado, bacon, eggs, olives, beef, chips, soy, pork, chicken. Even the lean cuts have plenty of fat.

When you say high carb are you talking about donuts, pie, cake, cookies, crackers, because yes you can gain some fat with them, they have fat added. But, the good carbs have fiber which carries out the fat = grains, beans, vegetables, fruit. you need the good carbs, they are your body's natural and main fuel source.

You have to count calories if your diet is high in animal products, but if you only eat good carbs you don't have to count calories because they are super low in calories.

Your body converts good carbs to sugar to feed your brain and heart and muscles not to make you fat. You will always crave carbs of any kind if you try to eliminate them from your diet. Just eat the good carbs and you will lose weight and satisfy your hunger most effectively. Plus the good carbs help you to not crave sugar. High animal consumption causes sugar craving.

One day is easily overcome and does not all go to weight gain. Many people have six days of good diet and then one day of cheating. It helps them lose weight and stick to their diet.

  • No. One day of 'bad' eating won't ruin everything.


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