How to Lose Weight Without Exercising
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you have to change you plan and the way you eatNew in the box from the foundrylowest per weight Kettlebells in the USAstarting at $27 + shippingFREE intro class with first purchasewww.kettlebellheaven.comkettlebellheaven@yahoo.comyoutube channel join us kettlebellheavenSFG/SKC/AFTA trainer ask us how we do itThis is what we do and only a suggestion:Morning Star) product name)rime burgers/Veggie burgers/Chicken veggie 3 for the day3 egg whites 2 ounces raw almonds unsalted2 ounces raw oatmeal with honey raw3 pieces of fruitstart this regiment at you first break from your workeat like the almonds 1 burgerthen the egg whites with a piece of fruitoatmeal with fruit or burgerburger with fruityou should be eating like 4 to 6 times in a 12 hour work dayyou liquid should be Ice Tea or soy/almond mild or 2 % milkfor dinner you have like fish and pasta or spaghettithen a fruit for snack later that eveningb4 dinner you do your kettlebell workout with RickI put it in a cooled lunch box everyday www.kettlebellheaven.comDo this 6 days a week with a good workout routine 5 -6 days a weekwe lose weight, gain endurance and feel better.Once a week we go off the plan and splurge but remember NO FAST FOODS except subway healthy sandwichesDon't forget to drink water as much as you like during the day, add lemon' fruits etcOther Answers:
- You have gotten used to your workouts. Start increasing time, intensity or doing it more often.
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