My boyfriends birthday is coming up in early September and he's hard to shop for. He likes electronics, but those are pricey and not in my budget. I'm trying to stay in the 5o dollars or less range. He could use new shirts, but hes a 6x (no rude comments please), and I'm not willing to pay 30 dollars a shirt because that's ridiculous. Especially since he's having weight loss surgery soon and it would be a waste. I really don't know what to get him. To describe his personality, he's pretty much an overgrown child. If it helps he's turning 24 and we've been together for 4 and a half years.
How to Lose Weight in the Feet
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Maybe buy him a CD or a blue ray or something. That isn't too expensive. You can buy some blue rays for under $10. My birthday is next Wednesday and I'm 27, and pretty much all I want are a few DVDs or CDs. Once you get to be that age, you can buy everything yourself so there isn't many things that I need to be honest.
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