Should I take off my shirt?

I have been having sex with my boyfriend for a while now. We have done it over 3 times and I have lost 80 pounds. The 80 pounds left me with stretch marks on my stomach and a little belly fat. It almost looks like you can see my ribcage at the top but my belly fat at the bottom. Besides that.. I want to take off my shirt and he is always leaving casual comments like when are you going to come to the gym with me or you should play a sport. Does that mean he is unhappy with me or he is just being friendly? Should I take my shirt off and see if the casual comments become excessive after? Also.. my boobs are a bit (a little bit) saggy because I lost all that weight so they no longer sit up like they used to. I am only 18 I am very confident with my clothes on I just don't know..Thanks for readingThe belly fat is a little jiggly but nothing serious just a little keg or flab

How to Lose the Flab After Losing Weight

Recommended Answer:

So you would continue to fk a boy that may hate to see you naked? That is not good, BB. CONGRATS on your weight loss--That's phenomenal! YOU deserve someone that wants you for YOU. Not what they may want you to be--So hell yeah take it off, and watch his response. Then you will know if he wants you, or just puss&. Good Luck N again--CONGRATS!

Other Answers:

  • just he confident with your body! If he really likes you he won't care if there's a little jiggly :) xx


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