How to Lose Weight Using a Treadmill
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It's different for everyone and every pregnancy, no one can tell you exactly when it will happen for you. I didn't start showing until I was 23 weeks pregnant and I was skinny as well.Other Answers:
- I didn't start showing til about the 4th month with both of my daughters.
- It's fluid retention (bloating) and alittle weight gain. Bloating usually dissapears into the second trimester. I too was small before I got pregnant. You could start showing in the next 1-2months, maybe later. There's no telling really. I always thought my stomach was too large for how many weeks I was, but since I started showing properly just recently everywhere I go people say I'm small and my next door neighbour didn't even know I was pregnant until my mother told her a few days ago and my friends say I'm all belly, but I don't know I think differently, How you perceive yourself is different to how everyone else perceives you.
- Yes it can be food weight. Most people start to pop between 12-16 weeks, sometimes even later if its your first pregnancy. My first pregnancy I started to pop between 15-16 weeks. This time I started to get a belly around 12 weeks. If you're skinny and eating a lot, the belly you're starting to get could be from regular weight gain.
- Probably not till your 5-6 month especially if its your first pregnancy
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