I want to lose 20 pounds but don't know exactly how & how to stay motivated. Help Please?

Well I'm a 18 year old female & I've been struggling with my weight for as long as I could remember. I'm about 170 pounds don't really know how tall maybe 5 4. I really want to lose 20 pounds and tighten up my stomach. Everytime I get on a diet & start exercising i end up quitting. I really want to do this for me because I'm sick of waking up every morning & not being happy with myself. I'm not part of a gym but I do have a treadmill at home. Any tips? & how long should I stay on the treadmill a day to get results

How to Lose Weight Fast with High Protein Food

Recommended Answer:

Hello Kittyy… Go with healthy diet and good working outs. As you said it's difficult to wake up early in the mornings but try to wake up weekly 3/4 times to do working outs. Before going to start a diet take a photograph and take another photograph after some pounds of weight loss. Just keep those photographs side by side and look at those photographs; how nice looking you after weight loss and then imagine how you would be with 20 pounds of weight loss? Just keep going on with healthy diet and working outs….. Good Luck.

Other Answers:

  • I found that I don't like the treadmill I get bored I like running outside alot better
  • Here there is a solutionBest fat burner 2013 for womenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzY1f1mg1x4
  • The 3 main things to losing weight is:1. getting the right calories2. eating the right foods3. exerciseeach person is different but I would start by eating around 1400 calories. As for the right food, I would try limit bad carbs (white bread, rice) and anything too surgary. Also limit the intake of salt. Control your portion size. And as for exercise perhaps walk about 30-45 mins 3 times a week and add a session of weight training.If all goes well you should lose your 20lbs in about 15 weeks. Good Luck!
  • Well first of all, if you want to stay motivated: keep it simple! And there is nothing more simple than push ups and squats, which are all you need. http://voices.yahoo.com/the-deconstruction-workout-12293719.html?cat=51Don't beat yourself up either. Be forgiving if you mess up or fall off the wagon. Just keep it simple, and be understanding toward yourself. Best of luck :)


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