How to Suggest That Your Girlfriend Lose Weight
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My sis lost 40 pounds by just eating less than 2000 calories. She went on treadmeal n lost a 1000cal everyday. N i did that n i lost weight tooOther Answers:
- Eat protein to stay full longer.
- Cut out snacking, eating sweets, drinking soft drinks and eating fast food. Eat more greens and drink a shit load of water every day. Remember, what u eat affects weight loss way more than exercise does. I lost 70 lbs in about 7 months by eating one mcdonalds grilled chicken sandwich a day.(nothing else, and a lot of water). I was still hungry but its about will power. Btw, eating so little worked for me becauee i work overnight and i found it easier to deal with it. I dont necessarily recommend u eat that little, but the weight def came off. I also took cellucor brand super hd and clk from GNC, which helped. It is not impossible to lose the weight, but willpower is a bitch! Good luck!
- it will be hard, but isnt a crazy number and is reachable with dedication the #1 thing u want to focus on is ur diet dont fall for the crap where it doesnt matter what u eat as long as u exercise alot, because it will take u much longer to lose that weight and u wont be as healthy in the long run. if i were you id keep a food diary or theres good apps out there to help you keep track of everything i highly reccommend my fitness pal :) save yourself a cheat day, where u can eat some sweets/drink soda and such no more than once a week though. also if a family dinner is coming up or u have some place to attend where ur expecting alot of yummy food make sure u reserve that day as your cheat day. as far as the exercise try to get in some cardio everyday the more the merrier it will help u drop the weight faster and do some muscle training aka toning/ smoothing out the edges :p do not eat less than 1200 calories a day or your not getting your proper nutrition, your diet is key and less isnt better either there needs to be a balance eat lots of healthy things personally i love spinach with some light dressing and feta cheese i can get full off that and it only cost me 200 cal so eating alot of super healthy things will keep you full.
- Okay, if you really want to lose, weight, you can try this. But your consuming probably only around 1000 calories a day but it works very very well. Buy an iced coffee in the morning and make it last all day. Whenever you start getting hungry take like 2 or 3 sips of it. Also chew gum. Don't eat anything during the day just have the iced coffee and at night have a small healthy meal like a cup of vegtables or spicy chicken (the spices speed up your metabolism) if you don't like coffee then go for iced tea or green tea. It's a good idea to exercise evryday as well. If you do this I guarantee you will lose weight. This worked for me. A really good exercise to do is the biggest loser workout on youtube. It's actually really motivating.
- This video is perfect solution for you
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