Recommended Answer:
It's okay every once in a while to have your favorite treat, but exercise and healthy eating come together as one when you want to lose weight. It's the truth, I know it probably kind of sucks but it works! (:Other Answers:
- Yeah you can, if you work it off of course.
- You can eat those things as much as you want, but you have to burn what you gain. Lifting weights is a good way to burn all the carbs and sugars digested by junk food, which in turn makes you more fit.Also you still have to eat healthy inbetween.
- An Hour Wouldn't Be Near Enough.And You Can Only Eat Whatever You Want If You Still Don't Exceed Your Suggested Calories. You Need To Work Out More Like Three Hours A Day.You Can Eat Junk Food But You Should Eat Mostly Healthy Foods.
- You need to review your idea of “unhealthy food”.You're 14yo, a girl, at high risk of developing some ED because of ignorance and nobody providing you with healthy meals or even teaching you how to peel the veggies for the family soup.I was old enough at 12yo to be able to peel potatoes, carrots, leeks, turnips and onions without cutting myself and bleeding all over the veggies.You need calcium for your growing skeleton, not just ice cream but also other dairies like milk, cheese, yogurts, sour cream, whipped cream…and you need to eat fish (especially sardines and salmon with bones), and greens, peas, beans (kidney beans, black beans...), and almonds and veggies (especially the cabbage family like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, radishes, turnip greens, collard greens). Just one serving of collard greens has 100mg of calcium (growing teenagers and pregnant women need the most calcium, like 1,300mg/day).You're a teen so you NEED chocolate. A craving for chocolate is usually a need to smooth out hormonal fluctuations (if you're younger than 21yo or in love, or pregnant or just had a baby, or going through menopause or some midlife crisis…) and get those much needed natural antidepressants and awesome antioxidants, plus chocolate tastes particularly good when you need it.The polyphenols in chocolate inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol so it's good for your heart, your arteries (preventing heart disease and stroke) and cardiovascular system (if you exercise).Choose dark chocolate.Enjoy your chocolate. Melting a piece in your mouth increases your heart rate and brain activity. It's more intense than passionate kissing and you should not deny yourself if you get a craving for it.Chocolate (dark) makes you smarter (stimulates the brain), prevents diarrhea, helps fight cancer and is an aphrodisiac (lovers love chocolate).Learn how to make homemade pizza with healthy good ingredients as you need the carbs for energy, the cheese for calcium, your favorite veggies/meat on top for vitamins/minerals, dietary fats to feed your organs and proteins to maintain and grow your body.At 14yo, you cannot “go to the gym for 60 min and don't eat a lot” like adults too busy with work.At your age I was probably eating enough to cover my BMR (like 1,300 calories) + 2,000 calories for physical activities (5 hours/day…not “60 min. at the gym). You'll end up a short fat adult if you try to lose weight at 14 and stunt your growth because you don't eat like an ogre, and you're not very physically active, and you don't eat ton of calcium, enough chocolate…
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