I'm 5' 2" and I way 142 pounds, am I fat?

I admit I am tubby, but am I too overweight? The front of my belly sags forward btw, I don't quite have a full on muffin top, though.I am thirteen years old

How to Lose Weight Using a Treadmill

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yes. pretty much. your bmi is 26, healthy is 18.5-24.9. overweight is 25-29.9 and any over is obese which is really really bad. 26 isnt that bad but it is overweight. you should lose some weight .5 2 and 142 is kinda bad. im 6 ft 1 and 170-185 somewhere. i measured at 175 few days ago but who knows how accurate that scale is.\bmi is more important than weight, but weight is important, you need to lose weight. my dads had two heart attacks. if you dont want heart issues and other issues you should lose some. not being mean. but you're fat. im chubby myself but like i said i am 6 ft 1 and my bmi is around 23-24. get your bmi down to 18.5-25. being too skinny is also an issue. but so is being fat. talk to your doctor. about it. he will say bmi is very important so is weight, but get your bmi down. 26 is a little much for 13 year old but 26 isnt as bad as 28. but 142 and 5 2 is not good., im going to give you some tips. eat whatever you want in moderation. BUT you NEED fruit and veggies i recommend getting some vitamins and taking 1-2 a day. that will help your insides, but im not a doctor. so talk to your doctor. drink a lot of water at least 3/4 a gallon. one gallon is recommended. you should get some running shoes and start running. i recommend going to champs, finish line, or foot locker. get a pair of nike free run 3. i have those very light very airy and very comfortable. they should run about 120 with 8 percent tax which is new yorks sales tax. you need to drink at least a gallon of water a day when running, you will get cramps but they will pass just drink lots of water. run with your own pace. breath in through your nose and out your mouth that will make it easier. maybe run with someone. you dont need a gym membership,you should do some pushups too. running and push ups are the best for you body. so im gonna summarize. eat fruit and veggies, eat food in moderation. being a little chubby doesnt hurt as long as your weight is down and your bmi is also down. 18.5-24.9 is healthy. get running shoes, either nike, new balance or Adidas, http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/BMI/bmicalc.htm use this for bmi. talk to your doctor, like i said im not a doctor im just passing information that i have received from a friend, that exercises and is fit. and from personal experience and from my dr.

Other Answers:

  • Well I'm 5'5 and 102 lbs. but are you muscular? Because that makes a difference.
  • Your not fat!!!!!
  • You are not fat! I am 5'4 and am 105pnds but it depends as muscle weighs more than fat so if you have more bone than no.


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