Is this a good program to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass?

I am a 17 year old male who is 5 foot & 4 inches who weighs between 150-160 pounds. I forgot because I haven't had a physical examination for 6 months. However I am starting this diet and exercise program that will help me shed my body fat. I plan on eating grapefruit with a light breakfast at 6:00 AM every week day, have a small lunch between 11:30-12:30, and eat either fish or lean chicken for dinner with more grapefruit at 6:00 PM after I come home from school. This way I'll cut my calorie intake. Along with that I plan on doing upper body and lower body exercises with alternating days and rests on weekends. Is this a good approach to lose weight and gain or have tone muscle growth? I plan on shedding fat so I can look good for my senior prom this coming May. Any advice or extra tips will be appreciated, thanks!!For upper body I commonly do bench presses, upright rows, military presses, many arm workouts... but you get the idea I do a lot for about 2 1/2 hours and then do lower body the next day I just can't name them off the back of my head. I plan on finishing each workout with 30 min hitting the punching bag. I do have a lot of inspiration as I am a fanatic of Bruce Lee and although I can't be like him, I can try to be physically fit. The guy is my role model from an early age and I do some exercises from his books as well.For upper body I commonly do bench presses, upright rows, military presses, many arm workouts... but you get the idea I do a lot for about 2 1/2 hours and then do lower body the next day I just can't name them off the back of my head. I plan on finishing each workout with 30 min hitting the punching bag. I do have a lot of inspiration as I am a fanatic of Bruce Lee and although I can't be like him, I can try to be physically fit. The guy is my role model from an early age and I do some exercises from his books as well.

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Remember the key to losing weight is a combination of the foods you eat, motivation and exercise. If you are noticing no dramatic weight change it is that your muscles are developing and growing larger, hence larger mass. You should most definitely be encompassing a training program as I believe your level of exercise is un-co-ordinated. You must consider training principles when designing a training program. Progressive overload (a training program) is not encompassed in your training, this means you will stay on the same level of fitness and will not improve. By including progressive overload you can increase our fitness. Please email myself or post another question if you would like a personal training program designed for yourself. It will include training methods, training principles and components of fitness. Remember don't starve yourself or at the same time overeat. Motivation is one of the worst killers in exercising. Wanting to do exercise is great. since you are till at a young age you are still developing. Remember not exercising for a week can dramatically change your fitness level. You should never stop training, if you do, then you will just decrease your level of fitness. You should eat a balanced diet and eating foods in moderation. "When it comes to losing weight, you are always going to have to sacrifice something in order to see satisfactory results. Typically, you do not need to completely deprive yourself of most of your favorite foods. While dieting, many sweet snacks can still be enjoyed when eating in moderation. However, some food is so unhealthy that even a bite is too much. 1. Fast food: 2. Potato chips: 3. Soda: 4. Candy bars: 5. Ice cream: 6. Delivery pizza: 7. Bacon: 8. Hot dogs: 9. Sausage: 10. Fried snacks: These are just ten of the foods that can derail your weight loss aspirations. Keep in mind that even if you avoid all of the foods on the list, you should still exercise moderation in your diet. Avoid big meals and always be mindful of what you are eating and how it was prepared. If you eat right and avoid overeating, better health can become a reality." (Menna, 2008). Salmon, leafy greens, fruit, vegetables and other superfoods such as eggs (keep you going nearly all day) or berries are healthy alternatives and good foods. I know this is a lot of information. I don't want to pile all this on you but consider what you eat and just do a little bit of exercise everyday. By doing a little bit of physical activity everyday instead of sitting down can lower your cholesterol level. Hope this assists you.Source(s):Prior knowledge on the subject and from studying


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