How to prep for basketball try outs ?

Hi I have basketball try outs in November for fresh man basketball I'm 5"5 and 188 pounds . I have a good shot and ok cross over , I want to work on: my cross over , ball handles , my shot . I don't have a gym member ship so idk how to get in shape . I played pg , sf , and sg through 6th - 8th grade . My goal is to . Get faster . Jump higher . Better pass skills . Better shot . Better pass skills. Go from 188 pounds to 178 or lower How do I do this w/out a gym member ship please help I really want to make the team .

How to Lose Weight Fast With No Pills or Equipment

Recommended Answer:

run a mile around your neigbor hood every 3 dayspassing is more about awareness than accuracysquat jumpspraying squatsweighted one lgged calfs raises weighted calf raisesstep-upsbox jumpsboundsweighted skipsrim jumps(touch the rim sets of 10)***wall sitsand easy way to start losing weight is to not drink any thing with sugar dring water tea and diet drinksits not that hardalso take up a hobbie so you wont have so much time to kill which leads to abusive snackingalso this video helped me with shooting alot


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