How to loose 2-3 pounds a day?

I know it's probably not that healthy but I'm not gonna wanna get to the point where my ribs show. I'm 13 and I weigh 150 pounds! I'm not fat but I'm definitely not skinny. And I'm not athletic so it's hard for me to work out. I wanna lose some weight cause its the thing I'm most insecure about. I can skip eating for most of the day but not lunch cause I don't want people at school to think I'm starving myself. If there's any pills or vitamins or drinks or anything else you recommend too, that would be great. Thankssss

How to Lose Weight Drinking Smoothies

Recommended Answer:

what is your height?do NOT skip eating for most of the day.. if you deprive yourself of the necessary calories, your body is in starvation mode and will hold on to (as fat) almost everything you eat!guess what? i had the i'm not athletic, and i was FAT excuse so i could not work out............. but i changed this. How? By walking. When I started walking, it took me 18-20 minutes to walk a mile. And that was all i could do and my calves burned and it sucked. I did this a few times a week. And 2 months later, I was capable of fast walking that mile in 13 minutes 30 seconds. Not even jogging. Just got in better shape and faster at walking. Now I actually walk/jog 3 miles in the morning and 2-3 at night.. and it only took about 2 months. The only drink i recommend and recommend strongly is WATER! Stay off the soda :). And eat lots of vegetables (they fill you up but have almost no calories and tons of essential nutrients and vitamins) :)

Other Answers:

  • No. You cannot safely lose 2-3 pounds per day. The only way to do that is starve yourself, limit liquid consumption, and sweat out water weight. This is not fun, and it does not last. You need to create a diet for all your meals and exercise.
  • Sorry if this isn't what you want to hear but first off losing 2-3 pounds is healthy over a period of a couple if weeks, not one day. And second you're so young you don't need to lose weight, in sure you thing you're grown enough but you are still growing!!! And no matter what you're weight, you will still grow and even if you stay the same weight you may even out from gaining height. You don't need to worth about losing weight at such a young age it's very unhealthy! The best suggestion I can give is to just be active! Go walk you're dog around the neighborhood every afternoon or ride your bike to a nearby park and back. Just do little things everyday to stay active
  • When I was 13 I started using my fitness pal and it works great! I lost 12 pounds in 4 months. I'm 14 now and aiming to lose 10 more by December. Losing that much weight at a time is extremely unhealthy and the only way that could happen is if you starved yourself. Then, when you eat again you will gain more weight because you slowed your metabolism. You don't have to count your calories, but it helps alot. Just don't be afraid to have a cheat day every once in a while, for example at a party or going out for dinner. Don't drink fruit juices, drink water with crystal light flavor packets to make water taste more like juice. Eat recommended serving sizes. Get a little excercise. Eat 6 times a day: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. You can skip some snacks if you want but don't eat too much for the next meal. Hope I helped, and good luck!!


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