How to Diet with Brown Rice to Lose Weight
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Try these basic tips for weight management and a healthy lifestyleafter your diet:1. Change your eating habits so that you eat a balance of fresh fruitsand vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean meat (chicken or fishare the lightest sources). Choose complex carbohydrates, such as wholegrain breads and high fibre cereals as opposed to bleached flourproducts like white bread.2. Do aerobic exercise such as walking, running, swimming or cyclingregularly. This will increase muscle tone and burn calories. Evendeveloping a simple, healthy habit like walking to the train every dayinstead of taking the bus, can make a difference in how you look andfeel.3. Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Smart, energy-packed choicesinclude bran, bananas, orange juice, porridge, muesli or low-fatyoghurt.4. Swap low-fat milk for semi-skimmed milk and focus on otherlow-calorie foods.5. Plan your meals in advance so you don't eat fast food on the run orfill up on high-calorie snacks.6. Don't eat meat more than once a day. Fish and poultry are recommendedover red or processed meats because they are less fattening.7. Avoid fried foods, which absorb fat from cooking oils. Also, foodtends to lose more of their nutritional value when fried. Instead,bake, broil or grill food. In the case of vegetables, lightly steamthem.8. Drink alcohol in moderation.Eat fibre-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables, fruit, beans,bran flakes, roots and whole grains. These will fill you up and keepyour digestive system healthy.9. Choose fresh fruits for puddings and snacks.10. Keep your portions small.11. Watch your weight, but only weigh yourself once a week as the numberson the scale may fluctuate slightly on a day-to-day basis. Also, gaugeyour target weight by how you feel and how your clothes fit ratherthan by what the scales say.12. Don't panic if you put on weight. Think about what could have causedthe gain and amend your diet accordingly.Other Answers:
- By controlling the diet and do daily exersixe regularly then you can it will simple procedure
- Go to calorie and click on weight maintenance calorie calculator to find out how many calories u need to consume to maintain weight
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