i'm a 14 year old girl and i'm not overweight at all i just have stubborn belly fat and i'm trying the paleo diet to help me lose it, on this diet you basically eat like a caveman, you cant have calcium or carbs, you can only have fruits veggies meats nuts eggs etc..i think its super healthy and effective im just scared something will happen if i remove calcium from my diet since im only 14

How to Lose Weight while Pregnant

Recommended Answer:

Paleo, while better than many other dietary options, is just another fad diet....No, you should not remove calcium from your diet, but be aware you can get calcium from foods other than dairy products...see the source link for 10 foods high in calcium (several are vegetables)...Cavemen's average life expectancy was around 30 or so...I realize all kinds of things were responsible for their deaths, but if their diet was that great, a fair number should have lived to be much older than that...I'm jus' sayin'...eating only what cavemen ate, doesn't make a diet a healthy one (although I'm 100% behind clean eating and cutting back or eliminating processed foods as much as possible)...

Other Answers:

  • I wouldn't. Just drink orange juice that has calcium in it. It still correspond to the paleo diet.


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