Will eating two meals a day affect my weight loss and fitness journey?

Before you get the wrong idea, I'm not trying to starve myself in anyway. I'm a 15 year old girl who is currently trying to have a change of lifestyle to be healthier and fit. About a week ago, I decided that it was time to stop lazying around and get fit. As I began to exercise more (about 30 minutes to an hour), I noticed I have started to eat less. For example, today. I woke up a bit later than usual and decided that I would exercise later rather than first thing in the morning. So I had my breakfast and then 4 hours later (after a long mental debate) I began to exercise. I finished at about 2 hours later. Then I had my lunch (which was actually dinner). I always read that for healthier weight loss, you should eat 5-6 small meals a day. Is how I'm eating bad, or should I continue to go on like this? Also, how big should a meal be? Thanks.

How to Lose Weight & Keep a Healthy Looking Face

Recommended Answer:

So, for the normal person, 2 - 3 meals per day is fine. A body builder or someone who is really training hard will eat 5-6 small meals a day.Onto your questions. Eating two meals a day is good and bad and here is why:People think that eating two meals means skipping the third. That is when it is bad. Instead, eat a high protein breakfast (Eggs, Bacon, Milk, ect...). You will be pretty full for a while and your metabolism will get a good kick start. For lunch, eat something like a quesadilla or turkey sandwich. For dinner, eat something small at your discression.The problem with dinner is most people think "I ate so well all day and worked out, I deserve a good, big meal now". While honestly you do deserve it, it doesn't work like that. You will lose all of your gains if you eat a big meal from Arby's. If you are going to eat a big meal, make it a sandwich shop (Subway) or pasta (Fazolis). If you eat carbs you can burn them easily unlike fat from a burgerHope I helped!

Other Answers:

  • Eating more meals does not help with weight loss. Its just the overall calories for the day that matters. If you want to eat 2 meals a day that's fine just make sure they are bigger meals so you get in enough calories.
  • Yes, 5-6 small meals is way better than 2 big ones. Of course when I talk about small meals, I'm talking about healthy snacks, salads with steak, fruits, these kind of meals. If you give your stomach small healthy meals, it will start burning the food more efficiently and as fruits and greens take more energy to assimilate, it will help you lose more weight than a food that's easy to decompose and store (as fat) for energy - like sugar based food, bread, pasta, etc.. Makes sense?If your body knows it's getting food regularly, it will stop believing it needs to store fat for "rainy days" and your metabolism will be boosted (this is the reason some people get away with eating a lot and never get fat - their machine is working better; for some people it's genes for others is the result of a carefully planned meal plan).


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