Why do people hate on skinny girls?

Why is it ok to hate on people who are skinny? It's the same as hating curvy girls. I mean If its ok to call me anorexic (which I'm not) then it's ok for me to call you a fat pig. Also I hate when people say "real women have curves" no a real woman has a vagina. By the way telling some their to thin and need to gain weight is telling someone their to fat and need to lose weight. All in all people need to stop judging by their body. Someone who is curvy is no better than someone who is skinny.

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THANK YOU. I seriously hate this. I'm not even that skinny. I'm about average weight, and whenever I hear people say stuff like that ("real men like curves; only dogs go for the bones") it just bothers me. It's putting ridiculous pressure on girls to LOOK a certain way for men. How about, people just look the way that works best for them and is healthy? That makes the most sense.Another thing, there's nothing quite like someone who is 300 pounds being proud of their "curves." Obesity seriously affects your health in a very bad way; don't be "proud" of it. Be healthy.

Other Answers:

  • Like you said it's not okay and the main reason why people "judge" or "hate on" others who are slimmer or curvier then them is because they're jealous. The majority of women wish they had slimmer legs, flatter stomach, bigger chest etc and the more self conscience you are the more judgemental you become because you're creating flaws on other people and making you feel better about yourself because other people have flaws like you. But you are absolutely right people should put others down due to their body shape :)
  • OMG yes ! and I'm skinny myself . I wouldn't hate on a person because of their body type . it not the body type that makes you seem pretty it's what you think about the body type . of you're a curvy girl and you like what you have and work with it and love it then it'll turn out good . if you're skinny and like what you have and work with it and love it then it'll turn out good . I think they say that to convince girls that they don't need to lose weight and they're perfect how they are even if they're curvy . curvy = beautifulskinny = beautiful
  • THANK YOU!! Finally a voice of reason! Though i'm skinny and curvy but some people just need a reason to pick on people...it's pathetic.


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