Is losing weight fast bad? (I need to explain some important details)?

Over the summer I haven't been doing anything at all because my mom goes to work and all i did was watch tv sitting down all down doing nothing. I did insanity for only two weeks and have up because it was too tough for me and I'm only 13 years old. Anyway I am starting high school this school year in August so I have been running since yesterday and I believe I am a great runner I always have been and I was in the track team last year. So I actually lost a lot of weight in 7th grade (and I became close to being an anorexic because you see I am 5'1 and I don't have a small frame like you would think I have a hourglass figure that I loved when I was a good weight between 110 lbs and 115 lbs.) I lost all that muscle and started becoming anorexic because I wanted to be even skinner because I still thought I was fat because this girl in my class made a rude comment to me about my weight loss so I started staring myself. I saw what I was doing because my friends and family started worrying about me and I felt bad so I gained 15 pounds back. Then this 8th grade year I felt jealous that I saw girls eating unhealthy food from our vending machines at school and I started eating them but then after a week I felt sick of them because I was just so used to eating healthy foods like I usually did for example salads, fruits, and vegetables too. Then I stopped completely exercising. And I gained all my weight back. I lost a total of 20 lbs when I was at my perfect weight 110 lbs and I lost 35 lbs when I was heading toward the anorexic side. I weighed 130 lbs right now but I a lost 3.5 lbs one day from exercising I jog 3 miles on incline 10 and I do a lot of sit ups, push up jacks, heisman, and jump rope for 10 minutes. I have 4 small meals a day and I burn maybe all of the calories I consume. Is that dangerous that I am losing a lot of weight maybe too fast but then again I feel like I am still eating healthy and exercising like should? Please help 10 points best answer thank u!:)Thank you haylee and Katrina Smith for your answers as well they still helped me a lot :)

How to Help Your Family Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

It's good that you are concerned about your health enough to ask if you're losing weight too fast. the most important thing, i'm sure you know, is not only to be at a "healthy weight," but to be at a stable weight. that means it shouldn't move up or down too much--it can put a strain on your heart to yo-yo a lot. the best way to lose weight is to do what you're doing, but MODERATELY. you sound very eager to get active, which is good, but if you do too much too soon, you'll get tired of it and quit. maybe if you break it up a bit, like running/jogging 3 days a week, then doing jump rope and muscle-building exercises on 2-3 other days? make sure you have a rest day, too, so your muscles can rebuild and get stronger. eating 4 small meals sounds okay, as long as you're making sure half your plate is fruits and veggies, one quarter protein (like meat, fish or eggs), one quarter starch (like bread or corn). the 3.5 lbs you lost that one day was from water weight--you can lose or gain up to 10lbs of water weight every day, so that's why people say you shouldn't check your weight every day. it could be discouraging if you see your weight go back up a few pounds when you know you've been exercising a lot and eating well. try checking your weight weekly at the most, at the same time wearing about the same amount of clothing. you'll get a better reading. i hope that helps! you're on the right track--keep loving yourself, and wanting yourself to be healthy and happy above any other goal you have in mind. good luck and God bless!

Other Answers:

  • This is unhealthy. I was just like you. I am 16 now and if I could go back and changeMy decisions I would. If you have an iPod or iPad use it to get MyFitnessPal and that helps you lose weight. You don't need to be losing ANYMORE than 2 lbs a week at the most. It's unhealthy and can cause permanent damage. I'm positive that you're beautiful. I know what it's like to feel fat or ugly because of bitches at school. Have faith baby and keep your head up high.
  • Don't worry about losing weight that much! I am only 16, but hear me out, I've done my research!(: okay so your weight may seem a little high for being only 5'1, but you probably have a ton of muscle from all your working out--whether you notice it or not. But what really matters is what you think. If you look in the mirror and feel that you truly weigh too much, then you can lose weight. But honestly, if you lose it fast, you arent even losing fat. It's all water weight and muscle! And that won't make you look any better! But you are good at running so you have an advantage! You could run everyday, maybe not even 3 miles every day. Then you could aim for eating 1200-1400 calories a day. But if you lose weight, LOSE IT IN A HEALTHY WAY!Remember that you don't have to change! Your weight is still healthy, and you said it your self that your frame is a bit larger. And the one thing about high school is that the kids are a lot more mature! I thought it would be the opposite, but it's not! They don't care, and if someone cares about how you look, everyone doesn't like that person anyways. I'm sure that you are GORGEOUS. And don't forget that. Keep your chin up and hang in there! Good luck in high school beautiful!(:


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