I workout and weight 160 and I need to lose weight I do 100 push ups per day and 100 sits up too I play soccer?

And been working out for 1 month any tips on what I should do?! I would like to get abs so please help!!

How to EASILY Lose Weight Fast

Recommended Answer:

it depends how talll y r and y weight.if y r 5-7 then this is just about right.if y r slightly shotert then lose only few pounds.the best thing is to do cut down on coca cola and any fizzy drinks and any energy drinks.drink plenty water and eat fruits that contain lot of water like melon,watermelons,pearsbut no bananas and no mangoes,no chocolates and sweetsnp pizza,pastamburgers and fried foods and junk foods like chicken and chips.cut down on beer as welleat as much fresh fruit and vegetables and cut down on food.eat 20 % less on y main meals and y will never feel hungry.we simply eat far too much than we need.lie down on the floor and move your legs like y was doing cycling.then do it the reevrse way.do this 20 minutes a day and thiis is the best exercise.I lost 4 kilos in 2 months mostly on salads and fruits and less food.I am tageting to lose 4 kilo now and i am eating more fruit and water in the day or less than half aamount of food that i normally eat.

Other Answers:

  • Do crunches as well, and also, you're not going to see instant results in a month, it might take you 3-6 months, or more..
  • I'd find a hill and sprint the hell out of it..


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