How to fix the following deformities?

I have been told that I have a double chin (which I've repetitively fasted to get rid of it), messed up hair (which I've worked my ass of to fix, and I'm considering shaving it all off), scrawniness (I'm unable to fix it) and I feel obese at 6'2.5 and 132 pounds with me wanting to lose weight. I also am hideous everywhere else from what I've been told. How do I fix all of this? I'm considering smoking Tobacco excessively hoping that it fixes it.

How to Lose Weight Fast at Home

Recommended Answer:

If that's you in the picture? I do t see any flaws ..Answer mine?;_ylt=AnQser.reaz3tTjZjGzGSCMM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20130723040847AAA3fp3

Other Answers:

  • Huh? You need to stop listening to what other people are telling you about yourself- it's like poison to your mind. Those people who said you are hideous are the ugly ones who should change, they're shallow and mindless but sadly exist everywhere in society. Seriously get away from the people telling you these things, you don't need that- I mean you really don't. To lose weight, don't diet- just eat less, eat more protein and take vitamins, who cares if you have no muscle you'll be too healthy to care. Tobacco won't help anything but cause more harm to your body. Hang around positive people who make you feel good! That will definitely improve your body insecurities and give you courage.


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